-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [i-prof] Einladung zur Verteidigung meiner Bachelorarbeit Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 13:48:43 +0100 From: Robert Lion Gottwald <robert.gottwald@fu-berlin.de> To: i-studi@inf.fu-berlin.de, i-profs@inf.fu-berlin.de, i-wimis@inf.fu-berlin.de Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hiermit lade ich Sie herzlich zur Verteidigung meiner Bachelorarbeit mit dem Titel "Approximation Algorithms for Interval Scheduling Problems with Given Machines" ein. Die Verteidigung findet am 21.02 um 11.00 Uhr s.t. im Raum SR049 Takustr. 9 statt. Der Erstgutachter ist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mulzer und der Zweitgutachter ist Dr. habil. Panos Giannopoulus. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Robert Lion Gottwald Abstract: Most interesting discrete optimization problems are NP-hard and thus the existence of algorithms that find optimal solutions efficiently is very unlikely for these problems. One approach to encounter this is to design efficient algorithms that find approximate solutions. In this thesis two NP- hard interval scheduling problems are studied. In both the goal is to schedule a set of intervals on given machines such that intervals scheduled on the same machine do not overlap. Additionally, the machines have a capacity constraint in one of the variants, while in the other one an interval can be restricted to a subset of the machines. They fall into a class of problems called /separable assignment problems/, for which a framework to obtain approximation algorithms, whose guarantees depend on the problem for a single machine, exists. On the basis of this framework I will describe a local search approximation algorithm and one using linear programming with randomized rounding for both problems.
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