Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hiermit lade ich Sie herzlich zur Verteidigung meiner Masterarbeit mit dem Titel "Curves Approximation by Bezier-Splines, Tracing Pixel-Wise Generated Voronoi Diagrams"ein. Der Betreuer ist Prof. Dr. Günter Rote. Der Zweitgutachter ist Prof. Dr. Elfriede Fehr. Der Vortrag findet am Dienstag, den 22.04.2014 um 12:00 (s.t.) im Raum 055 statt. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ying Wei Abstract: Computational geometry devotes itself to exploring and studying efficient algorithms of geometry. The common methods of constructing Voronoi diagrams are the applications of the Voronoi-Delaunay duality and the Fortune's algorithm. This thesis introduces an applicable procedure to approximate the pixel-wise generated Voronoi diagrams by cubic B\'ezier splines. This approach can be utilized not only for ordinary Voronoi diagrams but also for weighted Voronoi diagrams. The points of Voronoi edges will be computed based on the characteristics of Voronoi diagrams. We apply a designed Greedy algorithm and cubic Bezier splines to trace the Voronoi edges. One of the difficult points is how to deal with the corners of the Voronoi diagrams. The corners refer to the positions where the edges join and split. In ordinary Voronoi diagram, the corners are the vertices of Voronoi. The vertices can be calculated by computing the circumcenters of triangles of Delaunay triangulation. However, it is not so easy to obtain the vertices of the weighted Voronoi diagrams. Some points near the endpoints of edges might not be correctly calculated. Then some unsharp corners took shape when the endpoints of the edges in the corner are directly connected. In the work, the positions of joins and splits in the plane are firstly recognized. Then the junctions in the positions of joins and splits of edges are handled by binary search. When the join points or split points are found, we insert them into the corresponding positions of the related edges.