Im Rahmen des Mittagsseminars der Theoretischen Informatik der FU Berlin spricht am Dienstag, 26.05.2015 Karl Bringmann zum Thema: Quadratic Conditional Lower Bounds for String Problems and Dynamic Time Warping Abstract: Longest common subsequence and edit distance are classic similarity measures of strings. Dynamic time warping is a classic similarity measure of curves. These measures can be computed by simple quadratic time dynamic programming algorithms, and despite much effort no algorithms with significantly better running time are known. We prove that, even restricted to binary strings or one-dimensional curves, respectively, these measures do not have strongly subquadratic time algorithms, i.e., no algorithms with running time O(n^{2−eps}) for any eps>0, unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. We generalize the result to edit distance for arbitrary fixed costs of the four operations (deletion, insertion, matching, substitution), by identifying trivial cases that can be solved in constant time, and proving quadratic-time hardness on binary strings for all other cost choices. und am Donnerstag, 28.05.2015 Klaus Kriegel zum einem noch bekannt zu gebenden Thema *************************************************** Ort: Takustr. 9, RM 055 Uhrzeit: 12 Uhr s.t. ***************************************************
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