-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Einladung zur Verteidigung meiner Masterarbeit Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 13:29:29 +0200 From: Marcel Ehrhardt <marehr@zedat.fu-berlin.de> To: i-studi@inf.fu-berlin.de, i-wimis@inf.fu-berlin.de, i-profs@inf.fu-berlin.de CC: renee.zentiks@fu-berlin.de Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hiermit lade ich Sie herzlich zur Verteidigung meiner Masterarbeit mit dem Titel „An In-Depth Analysis of Data Structures Derived from van-Emde-Boas-Trees” ein. Die Verteidigung findet am Donnerstag, dem 22.10.2015, um 12:00 Uhr in Raum 055 in der Takustr. 9 statt. Die Arbeit wurde von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mulzer betreut. Zweitgutachter ist Dr. Klaus Kriegel. Zusammenfassung: IP-packet routing is one of the most practical solved problems in computer science with millions of routed packets per second. The algorithmic problem behind it is the so-called predecessor problem. Assuming a universe U, in this problem one can query a set S ⊆ U for the *predecessor* of an element q within the set S, i.e. max{x ∈ S | x < q}. If the set S can be manipulated, the problem is called the *dynamic* predecessor problem, otherwise it is called the *static* predecessor problem. I give an overview of several different data structures for the w-bit word RAM on *bounded integer universes*, i.e. U = {0, ..., 2^w − 1}. Those data structures are based on the van-Emde-Boas-Tree [BKZ76]. For each data structure I work out the details of the algorithms by giving pseudo-code and for some of them I present new techniques, which give an easier and clearer presentation of the data structure and the algorithms. Last but not least, I answer an open problem concerning the space usage stated by Bose et al [Bos+13]. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Marcel Ehrhardt ----------------------- [BKZ76] P. van Emde Boas, R. Kaas, and E. Zijlstra. “Design and implementation of an efficient priority queue”. In: Mathematical systems theory 10.1 (1976), pp. 99–127. issn: 0025-5661. doi: 10.1007/BF01683268. url: 10.1007/BF01683268. [Bos+13] Prosenjit Bose, Karim Douïeb, Vida Dujmović, John Howat, and Pat Morin. “Fast Local Searches and Updates in Bounded Universes”. In: Comput. Geom. Theory Appl. 46.2 (Feb. 2013), pp. 181–189. issn: 0925-7721. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . comgeo . 2012.01.002.
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