Im Rahmen des Mittagsseminars der Theoretischen Informatik der FU Berlin spricht am Dienstag, 3.7.2018 Benjamin Burton (Queensland) zum Thema: Knot tabulation - a software odyssey Zusammenfassung: The tabulation of all prime knots up to a certain number of crossings was one of the founding problems of knot theory in the 1800s, and continues to be of interest today. Here we take a tour through the many and varied software challenges required to tabulate all 350 million prime knots up to 19 crossings (a task which was finished just last month). Sights along the way include combinatorial, algebraic and geometric computations, along with a mix of theoretical algorithm design and practical algorithm engineering. *************************************************** Ort: Takustr. 9, Raum 055 Uhrzeit: 12:00 Uhr s.t. - 12:30 Uhr ***************************************************