today in the noon seminar, talk starting in a few minutes.. -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [i-prof] Invitation to the defense of my Bachelor's thesis Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 18:05:34 +0200 From: Johannes Jakob Voderholzer <> To: Dear all, I hereby invite you to the defense of my Bachelor's thesis with the title: "Algorithms for optimal search trees on trees". The defense will take place on Thursday, 20.04.2023 at 12:00 in room T9/053(Takustr. 9). The defense presentation will be held in English. First examiner: Prof. Dr. László Kozma Second examiner: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mulzer Supervisor: Prof. Dr. László Kozma Best regards, Johannes Voderholzer Abstract: Finding optimal binary search trees in terms of minimal search cost for a sequence of key queries is a well studied problem in computer science. An important theorem over the combinatorial structure of the problem found by Knuth in 1971 can be used to speed up a dynamic program for the problem to O(n^2) time, where n is the number of keys. Recently, Berendsohn and Kozma gave a 2-approximation algorithm for a generalization of optimal binary search trees to search trees on trees, which runs in O(n^3) time. We show, that Knuth theorem also holds in this setting and use it to improve the running time of the algorithm to O(min(D^2*L^2, n^3)), where D denotes the diameter and L the number of leaves of the search space tree. We give a full implementation of both algorithms and verify the correctness and running time on randomly generated trees of different types. Further, we show that a bound given by Mehlhorn for binary search trees can be generalized to search trees on trees. _______________________________________________ Automatischer Mailverteiler an Gruppe 'ml-i-prof-mi'. Hinweise dazu siehe Hilfeseite: