Dear all,tomorrow in the noon seminar a talk by Arash Pourdamghani (TU Berlin) with details below.
(afterwards some spicy candy I brought from Finland ;) Best, Laszlo *Title:*SeedTree: A Dynamically Optimal and Local Self-Adjusting Tree (Paper <>)
*Abstract:*The vision of developing self-adjusting networks is now a reality. For example, programmable optical networking switches are already being used in big tech companies such as Googleand Microsoft. However, theoretical foundations are lagging behind in this area: previous methods have been designed by having fixed and limited networking resources in mind. In this talk, I detail the background and explain a novel model of the problem inspired by data center networking needs. I will show how online and randomized algorithms are being used to develop a more efficient technique that is optimized toward and match the traffic workload they serve, proving the dynamic optimality of the algorithm.
*About:*Arash Pourdamghani is a direct Ph.D. student at the INET <> group at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, and also an associated researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute <>. Previously he was a researcher at the University of Vienna and completed research internships at IST Austria and CUHK. He got his B.Sc. from the Sharif University of Technology. He is interested in algorithm design and analysis with applications in networks, distributed systems, and blockchains. His particular focus is on self-adjusting networks <>.