You are cordially invited to our next Monday Lecture &
Colloquium on June 11th at 14:15 h & 16:00 h at FU Berlin. Location: Freie Universität Berlin Takustr. 9 14195 Berlin Time: Monday, June 11th - 14:15 h Lecture: John Bamberg (University of Western Australia, Perth) Title: Bruck nets, metric planes, and their friends Abstract:In 1967, F. Arthur Sherk gave a simple proof that the finite metric planes (of Bachmann and Schmidt) are precisely the affine planes of odd order. Moreover, Sherk’s proof holds for a more general class of incidence structures that do not involve the ‘three-reflection theorem’ whatsoever, and thus yields a beautiful characterisation of the finite affine planes of odd order. By relaxing the first of Sherk’s axioms to ‘every pair of points lies on at most one line’, we can study what we call partial Sherk planes. In this talk, we outline our characterisation of these incidence structures as Bruck nets, in the same vein as Sherk’s result, and what it means for connected combinatorial objects such as mutually orthogonal latin squares. (Joint work with Joanna Fawcett and Jesse Lansdown) Coffee & Tea Break Time: Monday, June 11th - 16:00 h Colloquium: Anurag Bishnoi (Freie Universität Berlin) Title: New upper bounds on some cage numbers The cage problem asks for the smallest number c(k, g) of
vertices in a k-regular graph of girth g. The (k, g)-graphs
which have c(k, g) vertices are known as cages. While cages are
known to exist for all integers k > 1 and g > 2, an
explicit construction is known only for some small values of k,
g and three infinite families for which g is 6, 8 or 12 and k −
1 is a prime power: corresponding to the generalized g/2-gons of
order k − 1. -- Graduiertenkolleg 'Facets of Complexity' |