You are cordially invited to our Monday Lecture &
Colloquium on November 12th at 14:15 h & 16:00 h at HU
Berlin. Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institut für Informatik Johann von Neumann-Haus Rudower Chaussee 25 12489 Berlin Time: Monday, November 12th - 14:15 h Lecture: Christoph Berkholz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Title: A comparison of algebraic and
semi-algebraic proof systems In this lecture I will give an introduction to algebraic and
semi-algebraic methods for proving the unsatisfiability of
systems of real polynomial equations over the Boolean
hypercube. The main goal of this talk is to compare the
relative strength of these approaches using methods from proof
complexity. Coffee & Tea Break : Before Humboldt-Kabinett (between House 3&4 / 1st Floor) [British Reading] Time: Monday, November 12th - 16:00 h Colloquium: Till Fluschnik (Technische Universität
Berlin) Title: Fractals for Kernelization Lower Bounds Abstract: (Journal version appeared in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2018.) |