You are cordially invited to our next Monday Lecture in the New
Year. You may find valid Invitation for zoom throughout all winter
term here: Invitation link: Monday Lecture will be on January 18th 2021 at 14:15 h
& 16:00. Zoom - Invitation Time: Monday, January 18th - 14:15 h Lecture: Florian Frick (Carnegie Mellon University) Title: New applications of the Borsuk--Ulam theorem Abstract:Time: Monday, January 18th - 16:00 h Lecture: Pavle Blagojević (Freie Universität Berlin) Title: Ten years in one lecture Abstract:
-- work on the Bárány-Larman conjecture on colored point sets in the plane gave birth to the Optimal colored Tverberg theorem, -- the constraint method collected all classical Tverberg type results under one roof and opened a door towards counter-examples to the topological Tverberg conjecture.
-- study the topology of the classical configuration spaces, -- construct equivariant cellular models for them, -- prove a new version of an equivariant Goresky-MacPherson formula for complements of arrangements, -- revisit a classical vanishing theorem of Frederick Cohen, and explain why these answers are related to the existence of highly regular embeddings and periodic billiard trajectories.
-- equi-partitions of convex bodies by affine hyperplanes, and -- greedy convex partitions of many measures. These results are joint work with, in chronological order, Günter M. Ziegler, Benjamin Matschke, Florian Frick, Albert Haase, Nevena Palić, Günter Rote, and Johanna K. Steinmeyer. |