Dear all, next Monday's Lecture and Colloquium will take place online via Zoom on December 13. Please find link to Zoom Meeting here: A password is required this time! Meeting ID: 664 4006 3420 Password: 961144 You all are cordially invited! Location:
Time: Monday, December 13 - 14:15 h Title: Combinatorial String Solving Abstract:We consider a series of natural problems related to the processing of textual data, rooted in areas as diverse as information extraction, bioinformatics, algorithmic learning theory, or formal verification, and see how they can all be formalized within the same framework. In this framework, we say that a pattern $\alpha$ (that is, a string of string-variables and letters from a fixed alphabet $\Sigma$) matches another pattern $\beta$ if a text $T$, over $\Sigma$, can be obtained both from $\alpha$ and $\beta$ by uniformly replacing the variables of the two patterns by words over $\Sigma$. In the case when $\beta$ contains no variables, i.e., $\beta=T$ is a text, a match occurs if $\beta$ can be obtained from $\alpha$ by uniformly replacing the variables of $\alpha$ by words over $\Sigma$. The respective matching problems, i. e., deciding whether two given patterns match or a pattern and a text match, are computationally hard, but efficient algorithms exist for classes of patterns with restricted structure. In this talk, we overview a series of recent results in this area. Break Monday's Colloquium: Markus Schmid
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Time: Monday, December 13 - 16:00 h s.t. Title: Graph and String Parameters: Connections Between Pathwidth, Cutwidth and the Locality Number Abstract: An important aspect of our work --- that is relevant in its own right and of independent interest --- is that we identify connections between the string parameter of the locality number on the one hand, and the famous graph parameters of cutwidth and pathwidth, on the other hand. These two parameters have been jointly investigated in the literature (with respect to exact, parameterised and approximation algorithms), and are arguably among the most central graph parameters that are based on "linearisations" of graphs. Most importantly, we relate cutwidth with pathwidth via the locality number, which results in an approximation preserving reduction that improves the currently best known approximation algorithm for cutwidth. [This is based on joint work with Katrin Casel, Joel D. Day, Pamela Fleischmann, Tomasz Kociumaka, and Florin Manea, published in Proc. ICALP'19.] You all are cordially invited! |