On 24.11, at 10:00 am, there will be a talk by Prof. Daniel Huson, University of Tübingen:
A galaxy of periodic tilings This talk has four parts. In the first part - topology -, we recall the classification of two dimensions manifolds and orbifolds, and introduce their Conway notation. In the second part - geometry -, we discuss two-dimensional periodic tilings and their classification. In the third part - combinatorics -, we introduce Delaney-Dress symbols and indicate how they can be used to systematically enumerate periodic tilings. Finally, in the fourth part - algorithms and software -, we present Tegula (http://tegula.husonlab.org), a new computer program that can be used the explore the “galaxy” of all 2.4 billion periodic tilings of the euclidean plane, sphere and hyperbolic plane, of low Dress-complexity. This is joint work with Olaf Delgado and Rüdiger Zeller. It will take place in House 9 of the Golm Campus at the University of Potsdam. Room 1.22 ******** Prof. Dr. Myfanwy E. Evans Applied Geometry and Topology Institute for Mathematics, University of Potsdam <https://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/institut/veranstaltungen/details-1/veranstaltungsdetails/seminar-a-galaxy-of-periodic-tilings> <https://www.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin/projects/adressen/lageplaene/2022-11_Campus_Golm_Lageplan_mit_Legende.pdf> The fastest connection from Berlin is the train RB23 through Berlin Zoologischer Garten via Wannsee to Potsdam, Golm Bhf. There is also RB21 from Potsdam Hauptbahnhof to Potsdam, Golm Bhf.