Dear All, Here is the latest update from FQS: the texts we published in August are available online as well as some information about future workshops/conferences and new announcements for fellowship programs of the Social Science Research Council. Enjoy Reading! Katja Mruck *********************************************************************** PRE-PUBLISHED AUGUST 2002 * FQS 3(3) AUTHOR: Stephanie Bretschneider (Germany) TITLE: Review Note: Iris Stahlke (2001). Das Rollenspiel als Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung. Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen [The Method of Role-Playing in Qualitative Social Research. Potentialities and Limits] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English URL: AUTHORS: Anne-Marie Davies & Richard Laing (UK) TITLE: Designing Choice Experiments Using Focus Groups: Results from an Aberdeen Case Study LANGUAGES: Full text English URL: AUTHOR: Anja Kassel (Germany) TITLE: Review Note: Roland Bader (2001). Learning Communities im Internet [Internet Learning Communities] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English URL: AUTHOR: Anja Naumann (Germany) TITLE: Review Note: Dagmar Unz (2000). Lernen mit Hypertext. Informationssuche und Navigation [Learning with Hypertext. Information Seeking and Navigation] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English URL: AUTHOR Rudolf Schmitt (Germany) TITLE: Review Note: Gisela Bruenner & Elisabeth Guelich (Eds.) (2002). Krankheit verstehen. Interdisziplinaere Beitraege zur Sprache in Krankheitsdarstellungen [Understanding Illness. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Communication about Illness] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English URL: * FQS 3(4) AUTHOR: Anja Fiedler (Germany) TITLE: Understanding Collectivity in a Collective Way--The Group Discussion Method in Discussion. Review Essay: Peter Loos & Burkhard Schaeffer (2001). Das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Anwendung [The Method of Group Discussion. Theoretical Basics and Empirical Application] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English URL: AUTHOR Andreas Klaerner (Germany) TITLE: Review Note: Roland Girtler (2002). Methoden der Feldforschung [Field Research Methods] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English URL: AUTHOR Jeffrey K. Lange (USA) TITLE: Review Note: Richard A. Krueger & Mary Anne Casey (2000). Focus Groups. A Practical Guide for Applied Research (3rd Edition) LANGUAGES: Full text English URL: AUTHOR: Marilyn Lichtman (USA) TITLE: Review Note: Visual Methodologies. An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials LANGUAGES: Full text English, Abstract German URL: AUTHOR Martin Welker (Germany) TITLE: Review Note: Stefan Frerichs (2000). Bausteine einer systemischen Nachrichtentheorie. Konstruktives Chaos und chaotische Konstruktionen [Elements of a Systemic News-Theory. Constructive Chaos and Chaotic Constructions] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English URL: AUTHOR Mike Wrigley (UK) TITLE: Review Note: Prue Chamberlayne, Joanna Bornat & Tom Wengraf (Eds.) (2000). The Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science: Comparative Issues and Examples LANGUAGES: Full text English URL: ---------- EXTERNAL NEWS: Besides information about conferences & workshops, already published in our last newsletter and available at, please check the following announcements: A Regional Media and Policy Workshop under the theme of "Fencing Floods in South Asia: Disaster Preparedness through Risk Communication" is scheduled to be held from 16-19th December 2002 in Islamabad, Pakistan. For additional information see New Social Science Research Council fellowships: - SSRC Fellowships for the Study of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the New Independent States - The Freie Universitaet Berlin and SSRC Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies For more information please visit -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Please sign the "Budapest Open Access Initiative"