Dear All, Today we would like to invite you to review one of the books listed below for FQS. If you are interested in writing a review, please contact our book review-editor Guenter Mey ( Please mention which of the books you are interested in, and additionally give a brief description of your work. Please note that the deadline for the full texts will be OCTOBER 2000! Best regards, Guenter Mey, Katja Mruck Ps: To receive further information about the rubric "FQS Review" -- about different "kinds of reviews" which are possible to write for FQS, publication guidelines, etc. -- take a look at our site (, left frame, especially the topic "Information about Reviewing Media Units). *********************************************************************** The following books are available: - James Beebe (2001). Rapid Assessment Process: An Introduction. London: AltaMira Press (160 pages) - Arthur P. Bochner & Carolyn Ellis (Eds.) (2001, October). Ethnographically Speaking Autoethnography, Literature, and Aesthetics. London: AltaMira Press (416 pages) - Ardra L. Cole & J. Gary Knowles (2001). Lives in Context: The Art of Life History Research. London: AltaMira Press (272 pages) - Norman K. Denzin (2001). Interpretive Interactionism (Second Edition). London: Sage (188 Pages) - Tim May (Ed.) (2002). Qualitative Research in Action. London: Sage (320 pages) - Colin Robson (2002). Real World Research. A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers. (Second Edition). Malden, Mass.: Blackwell (624 pages) - Noelie Rodriguez & Alan Ryave (2002). Systematic Self-Observation (Series: Qualitative Research Methods series - Volume: 49). London: Sage (66 pages) - Wolff-Michael Roth & Kenneth Tobin (2002). At the Elbow of Another Learning to Teach by Coteaching. New York, Bern, Berlin: Lang (368 pages) - Roland W. Scholz & Olaf Tietje (2002). Embedded Case Study Methods. Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Knowledge. London: Sage (392 pages) - Lisa M. Tillmann-Healy (2001). Between Gay and Straight: Understanding Friendship Across Sexual Orientation (Series: Ethnographic Alternatives). London: AltaMira Press (416 pages) -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: