Dear All, I would like to update you on the events that took place since you got the last newsletter in February 2002. More concretely: (1) Changes in regards to the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board (2) Newly published full texts, available at (3) Information about conferences and workshops Enjoy reading and let me know if there are any questions; and as always your suggestions and feedback are welcomed! Katja Mruck Main Editor FQS (Email:, *********************************************************************** (1) FQS FQS continues to receive positive resonance from around the world necessitating further support. The following colleagues have decided to help us by joining our Editorial Board: - Kenneth Gergen (Swarthmore College, USA) - Mary Gergen (Penn State University, USA) - Zdenek Konopásek (Charles University, Czech Republic) - Andras Mate-Toth (University Szeged, Hungary) The following colleagues joined the FQS Editorial Staff: - Kip Jones (England), who together with Guenter Mey will be responsible for FQS Reviews; - Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada), who will assist Franz Breuer to develop the rubric FQS Debates and to support the internationalization of FQS Debates; - Rolf Goetzke, who will serve us as our new technical administrator. I am convinced that you are also looking forward to collaborating with these new colleagues and their work on FQS as much as I am! ************************* (2) FQS: NEWLY PUBLISHED IN MARCH, see AUTHOR: Jacqueline M. Barnett TITLE: Review Note: Benjamin Crabtree & William Miller (Eds.) (1999). Doing Qualitative Research (2nd edition) LANGUAGES: Full text English, Abstract German AUTHOR: Nicola Doering TITLE: Review Note: Stefan Beck (Ed.) (2000). Technogene Nähe. Ethnographische Studien zur Mediennutzung im Alltag [Technogenetic Closeness. Ethnographic Studies on the Use of New Media in Everyday Life] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English AUTHOR: Siegfried Lamnek TITLE: Integration of Research Methods--The Example of Life-Course and Biographical Research. Review Essay: - Reinhold Sackmann & Matthias Wingens (Eds.) (2001). Strukturen des Lebenslaufs. Übergang - Sequenz - Verlauf [Structures of the Life Course. Transition--Sequence--Trajectory] - Lutz Leisering, Rainer Müller & Karl F. Schumann (Eds.) (2001). Institutionen und Lebensläufe im Wandel. Institutionelle Regulierungen von Lebensläufen [Institutions and the Life Course in Flux. The Institutional Regulations of the Life Course] - Claudia Born & Helga Krüger (Eds.) (2001). Individualisierung und Verflechtung. Geschlecht und Generation im Lebenslaufregime [Individualisation and Interdependencies. Gender and Generation in the German Life-Course Regime] - Susann Kluge & Udo Kelle (Eds.) (2001). Methodeninnovation in der Lebenslaufforschung. Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Verfahren in der Lebenslauf- und Biographieforschung [Methodological Innovation in Life-Course Research. The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Life-Course and Biographical Research] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English AUTHOR: Matthias Petzold TITLE: Review Note: Michael Beißwenger (Ed.) (2001). Chat-Kommunikation. Sprache, Interaktion und Sozialität in synchroner computervermittelter Kommunikation. Perspektiven auf ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld [Chat Communication. Language, Interaction, and Sociality in Computer Mediated Communication. Perspectives on an interdisciplinary research area] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English AUTHOR: Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel TITLE: Review Note: Thomas Brüsemeister (2000). Qualitative Forschung. Ein Überblick [Qualitative Research: An Overview] LANGUAGES: Full text German, Abstract English AUTHOR: Mike Wrigley TITLE: Review Note: Tom Wengraf (2001). Qualitative Research Interviewing: Biographic narratives and semi-structured methods LANGUAGES: Full text English, Abstract German ************************* (3) INFORMATION ABOUT CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS - From April 8-11 the Workshop "Qualitative Research in Marketing and Management" will take place at the University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria. Information about the workshop at - At April 20th the "Narrative, Memory and Health Conference" will take place at the University of Huddersfield, UK. Information about the conference at - During September 19-21, 2002, the Swiss Sociological Association, Research Committee "Interpretive Sociology" and the European Sociological Association ESA, Research Network "Qualitative Methods" with participation of the RN "Sociology of Arts" are organizing a Conference on "Ethnographic Organizational Studies". Location: University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; Conference Language: English. Information about the conference at - The Center for Qualitative Psychology is organizing a workshop entitled: "Qualitative Psychology: Research questions and matching methods of analysis." The conference will be held in English during October 25-27, 2002, in Perlora, Spain. Information about the workshop at -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: