Dear All, The 9th issue of the on-line journal FQS is now available at As mentioned in the Editorial, we are pleased to announce that we had an overwhelming amount of contributions and we have decided to manage this situation by devoting two issues to the topic of subjectivity and reflexivity (Part II will appear in May 2003). In the current issue, in addition to articles, linked directly to the topic, you will also find selected single contributions and review essays and notes. Furthermore, we started in FQS 3(3) a new debate on "Doing Successful Research in the Social Sciences--Ethnography of the Career Politics of an Occupational Group." Like the first debate on "Quality of Qualitative Research," which started in May 2002, this second debate is also moderated by Franz Breuer, Jo Reichertz & Wolff-Michael Roth. All contributions belonging to FQS 3(3) are listed below. At the end of this newsletter you will find some information about new pre-published contributions, belonging to the "Special Issue: FQS Reviews II," coming out in November 2002. Enjoy reading, and as always, any suggestions and feedback are warmly welcome. Katja Mruck FQS Editor *********************************************************************** A) FQS 3(3) SUBJECTIVITY AND REFLEXIVITY IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH, PART1 Eds.: Katja Mruck, Wolff-Michael Roth & Franz Breuer F=Full text, A=Abstract E=English, G=German, S=Spanish Franz Breuer, Katja Mruck & Wolff-Michael Roth: Subjectivity and Reflexivity: An Introduction (FE, FG) Christiane Kraft Alsop (USA): Home and Away: Self-Reflexive Auto-/Ethnography (FE, FG, AS) Eileen Day (Australia): Me, My*self and I: Personal and Professional Re-Constructions in Ethnographic Research (FE, AG, AS) Barney G. Glaser (USA): Constructivist Grounded Theory? (FE, AG) Xavier Guillaume (Switzerland): Reflexivity and Subjectivity: A Dialogical Perspective for and on International Relations Theory (FE, AG, AS) Johnna Haskell (USA), Warren Linds & John Ippolito (both Canada): Opening Spaces of Possibility: The Enactive as a Qualitative Research Approach Tarja Knuuttila (Finland): Signing for Reflexivity: Constructionist Rhetorics and Its Reflexive Critique in Science and Technology Studies (FE, AG) Carl Ratner (USA): Subjectivity and Objectivity in Qualitative Methodology (FE, AG, AS) Iris Rittenhofer (Denmark): A Guest in My Own Present. On the Scientific Consequences of a Scientists Long Term Employment in a Foreign Country Glenda M. Russell & Nancy H. Kelly (USA): Research as Interacting Dialogic Processes: Implications for Reflexivity (FE, AG) Kathleen St. Louis & Angela Calabrese Barton (USA): Tales from the Science Education Crypt: A Critical Reflection of Positionality, Subjectivity, and Reflexivity in Research (FE, AG) Gavin B. Sullivan (Australia): Reflexivity and Subjectivity in Qualitative Research: The Utility of a Wittgensteinian Framework Paul ten Have (The Netherlands): The Notion of Member is the Heart of the Matter: On the Role of Membership Knowledge in Ethnomethodological Inquiry (FE, AG) SINGLE CONTRIBUTIONS William W. Bostock (Australia): Collective Mental State and Individual Agency: Qualitative Factors in Social Science Explanation (FE, AG, AS) Karen Cronick (Venezuela): The Discourse of President George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden: A Rhetorical Analysis and Hermeneutic Interpretation (FE, AG, AS) Anne-Marie Davies & Richard Laing (UK): Designing Choice Experiments Using Focus Groups: Results from an Aberdeen Case Study (FE, AG, AS) Sue-Ellen Kjeldal (Australia): Back to Basics: The Sequencing of Inductive and Deductive. Research Methodologies in Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Research (FE, AG, AS) Jens Schneider (Brazil/Germany): >From Personal to General: Discursivity and Representativity in Interviews (FG, AE) FQS DEBATES Franz Breuer, Jo Reichertz & Wolff-Michael Roth: Editorial Note: "Doing Successful Research in the Social Sciences-Ethnography of the Career Politics of an Occupational Group" (FE, FG) Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Evaluation and Adjudication of Research Proposals: Vagaries and Politics of Funding (FE, AG) FQS REVIEW Stephanie Bretschneider (Germany): Review Note, Iris Stahlke (2001). Das Rollenspiel als Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung. Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen [The Method of Role-Playing in Qualitative Social Research. Potentialities and Limits] (FG, AE) Anja Kassel (Germany): Review Note, Roland Bader (2001). Learning Communities im Internet [Internet Learning Communities] (FG, AE) Anja Naumann (Germany): Review Note, Dagmar Unz (2000). Lernen mit Hypertext. Informationssuche und Navigation [Learning with Hypertext. Information Seeking and Navigation] (FG, AE) Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Grenzgaenger Seeks Reflexive Methodology. Review Essay, Mats Alvesson & Kaj Skoeldberg (2000). Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research; Christiane K. Alsop (Ed.) (2001). Grenzgaengerin: Bridges Between Disciplines. Eine Festschrift fuer Irmingard Staeuble (FE, AG) Rudolf Schmitt (Germany): Review Note, Gisela Bruenner & Elisabeth Guelich (Eds.) (2002). [Understanding Illness. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Communication about Illness] (FG, AE) B) FQS 3(4) SPECIAL ISSUE: FQS REVIEWS II, Pre-Published Charles Lee Cole (USA): Rapid Assessment Process in Qualitative Inquiry. Review Essay, James Beebe (2001). Rapid Assessment Process: An Introduction (FE) Graciela Cortes Camarillo (Mexico): Review Note, Chris Searle (1998). None but Our Words: Critical Literacy in Classroom and Community (FE) Gerald Kral (Austria): Review Note, Klaus Boehnke & Nicola Doering (Eds.) (2001). Neue Medien im Alltag: Die Vielfalt individueller Nutzungsweisen [New Media in Everyday Life: The Variety of Individual Use] (FG, AE) C) EXTERNAL NEWS Social Science Research Council fellowships: - SSRC Fellowships for the Study of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the New Independent States - The Freie Universitaet Berlin and SSRC Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies - SSRC Program on the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) For more information please visit The Center for Qualitative Psychology is organizing a workshop entitled: "Qualitative Psychology: Research questions and matching methods of analysis." The conference will be held in English during October 25-27, 2002, in Perlora, Spain; Conference Language: English. For additional information see A Regional Media and Policy Workshop under the theme of "Fencing Floods in South Asia: Disaster Preparedness through Risk Communication" is scheduled to be held from 16-19th December 2002 in Islamabad, Pakistan. For additional information see --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German ->