CALL FOR PAPERS FQS 5(1): QUALITATIVE MARKET, MEDIA AND OPINION RESEARCH Editors: Thomas Kuehn, Andreas M. Marlovits, Yvonne Maxwell, & Katja Mruck Since the early 1990s, qualitative research has consistently grown in importance. Qualitative research is essential for the complex analysis of market, media and opinions. Several theoretical positions and methods have been established within the last few years. The special edition "Qualitative Market-, Media and Opinion Research" (QMMO) aims to provide an overview of the current developments of theory, methods and perspectives of this (relatively) new field. Possibilities and limitations of several positions and concepts should therefore be critically discussed. We want to invite all to participate who are concerned with practical or theoretical issues in the field of QMMO. This includes university researchers as well as those who do qualitative research in and for practical contexts: In order to provide a very comprehensive survey of the chances and limitations of QMMO, we also want to invite colleagues from companies, agencies, organisations and political parties to write a contribution about their experience in the daily use of qualitative concepts and methods. We are particularly interested in texts concerning the following issues-but other relevant contributions are also welcome. 1. Establishment, background and development of QMMO - Epistemological background - Historical development - Criteria of quality 2. Concepts and methods of QMMO - Different concepts / ideas of QMMO - Traditional and new methods of QMMO - Techniques - Integrating qualitative and quantitative QMMO 3. Practical use of QMMO - Typical issues and subjects of QMMO - Qualitative motivation research concerning product use - Qualitative advertising research - Examples of successful QMMO - Concepts and examples for the use of QMMO in international, multi-cultural research projects - Strategic consultancy based on QMMO 4. Realities and visions of QMMO - The job outline of a researcher in QMMO - Biographical trajectories and educational experiences on the way to becoming a qualitative market/media/opinion researcher - Possibilities for education in order to become a qualitative researcher in market / media / opinion research (within and outside of universities) - Perspectives and challenges for QMMO in the coming years If your work is dedicated to one of these issues or somehow seems to be relevant for this edition, we invite you to send an abstract of approx. 300 words to us by May 15, 2003 (see below for our e-mail addresses). The abstracts may be written in German or English. All contributions will be evaluated by June 15th, 2003. You will then be notified if your contribution is accepted. In this case, we would ask you to send us a full version of your text by August 15th, 2003. Please e-mail your abstract by May 15, 2003 to Thomas Kuehn: Andreas Marlovits: Yvonne Maxwell: Katja Mruck: -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) Deutsch -> English -> Espanol -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: