Dear All, Today I would like to inform you about texts, published in FQS in December and available online. They are dealing with the use of "Documents in Social Research," "Analyzing Recorded Interviews: Making Sense of Oral History," "Public and Private Narratives," "Writing Hypertext," "Making Decisions About Taking Medicines," and "Research on Right-wing Extremism." Additionally, you will find short information from the Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Bremen, from the ESA Research Network "Qualitative Methods," and some Open Access news. On behalf of the Editorial Staff I would like to thank you for your interest and support during the four years, working on FQS, and to wish you a season of health, peace, and prosperity! Katja Mruck *********************************************** A) PUBLISHED IN DECEMBER 2003 Amrei C. Joerchel (Germany) & Jaan Valsiner (USA): Making Decisions About Taking Medicines: A Social Coordination Process Yew-Jin Lee (Canada): Documents in Action: How to Follow Scientists of Society. Review Essay: Lindsay Prior (2003). Using Documents in Social Research Jakob Marti (Switzerland): Review Note, Elmar Stahl (2001). Hyper - Text - Schreiben [Writing Hypertext] Vanessa May (UK): Public and Private Narratives. Conference Essay: Conference on Narrative, Ideology and Myth Irina Roncaglia (UK): Analyzing Recorded Interviews: Making Sense of Oral History (Conference Note) Janina Soehn (Germany): Rechtsextremismusforschung - aktuelle Tendenzen empirischer Untersuchungen [Research on Right-wing Extremism-Latest Trends in Empirical Studies] (Conference Note) The table of contents for the coming issue is available online at; to access all full texts, published in FQS, visit B) 3-YEAR PH.D. PROGRAM, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF BREMEN, GERMANY The Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS) "invites applications to its 3-year Ph.D. program in three thematic fields from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2006. The GSSS is part of an international network of graduate education and is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. The GSSS will accept 15 Ph.D. fellows, 9 of whom will receive a stipend of ? 1000/month for 36 months according to the ranking list. Funding is available for empirical research and travel for all fellows. For those fellows who do not receive a GSSS-stipend, the GSSS will provide assistance in applying for stipends elsewhere." For further information see C) WORKSHOP "THE STATE OF THE ART OF QUALITATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH IN EUROPE" The Call for Papers for this ESA Research Network "Qualitative Methods" workshop, which will take place on September 9./10 at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, is available at D) OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING: INVITATION TO TENDER The (British) Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) has issued an invitation to tender inviting proposals from academic publishers or learned societies looking to move to an open access model for their journal(s). See for additional information. -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: