Dear All, Today I would like to inform you about texts, published in October and available online. Additionally, you will find some short information about the "Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies," & some links concerning the open access movement. Enjoy reading! Katja Mruck *********************************************** A) PUBLISHED IN OCTOBER 2003 Johannes Angermueller (Germany): Review Note, Rainer Diaz-Bone (2002). Kulturwelt, Diskurs und Lebensstil. Kommunikationsstrukturen, Arbeitslaeufe, Wissensmanagement [Cultural World, Discourse and Life Style. Communicative Structures, Work Flows, Management of Knowledge] Una Dirks (Germany): Chances and Obstacles of an "Understanding Explaning" Illustrated by Linguistic and Cultural Studies' Approaches to Auto-/Biographies. Review Essay, Rita Franceschini (Ed.) (2001). Biographie und Interkulturalitaet. Diskurs und Lebenspraxis [Biography and Multiculturalism. Discourse and Life Styles] Nicola Doering (Germany): Review Note, Oliver Maerker & Matthias Trénel Eds.) (2003). Online-Mediation. Neue Medien in der Konfliktvermittlung - mit Beispielen aus Politik und Wirtschaft [Online-Mediation. New Media in Conflict Resolution-with Examples from Politics and Industry] Barney G. Glaser (USA): Naturalist Inquiry and Grounded Theory Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Autobiography as Scientific Text: A Dialectical Approach to the Role of Experience. Review Essay, Harry F. Wolcott (2002). Sneaky Kid and Its Aftermath Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel (Germany): Review Note, Ronald Hitzler, Thomas Bucher & Arne Niederbacher (2001). Leben in Szenen. Formen jugendlicher Vergemeinschaftung heute [Living in Scenes. Forms of Youth Communities] B) BERLIN PROGRAM FOR ADVANCED GERMAN AND EUROPEAN STUDIES The Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, established in 1986 at the Freie Universitaet Berlin and in the United States at the Social Science Research Council, promotes a new generation of young North American scholars with specialized knowledge of modern and contemporary German and European affairs. The Program supports anthropologists, economists, political scientists, sociologists, and all scholars in germane social science and cultural studies fields, including historians working on the period since the mid-19th century. Fellowships are awarded for doctoral dissertation field research as well as postdoctoral research leading to completion of a monograph. The Program offers a stimulating academic environment that integrates research opportunities with intellectual and cultural interaction. An essential part of the Program is the bi-weekly seminar, conducted in German, which brings together the North American fellows and leading German scholars. Fellows have access to Berlin's broader intellectual community and extensive libraries. For complete information and to download an application, go to or contact The deadline is December 1, 2003. C) OPEN ACCESS LINKS: As you know, FQS signed the Budapest Open Access Initiative. Currently, significant effort takes place to bring this initiative--which originated in the sciences--also to the humanities. So today we like to provide some links to in-depth information: The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) What does BOAI mean by "open access"? The Research-Impact Cycle Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities Directory of Open Access Journals Open Access News Ongoing discussion of providing open access to the peer-reviewed research literature -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) Deutsch -> English -> Espanol ->