Dear All, The 13th issue of the on-line journal FQS is now available at "Doing Biographical Research" is edited by Gerhard Riemann and deals with the life story of Huelya, a female labor migrant from Turkey. As Robert Faux -- an American colleague who accompanied the publishing process -- points out, "in this issue of FQS scholars from Japan, Poland, and Germany share with us ... their interpretations of Huelya's narrative interview. With Huelya's interview as the sole focus of interpretation by these scholars we have before us a manifestation of the richness and depth of qualitative research ... It is hoped that the contributions to this issue will reveal to readers what insights and understanding can be gained from other cultures, academic and others." And it is hoped that you -- the readers of FQS -- contribute your own pieces of analysis or your comments on the papers by offering your interpretations of Huelya's narrative! As always, in addition to articles, linked directly to the topic, you will find selected single contributions, review essays and notes, and two conference reports. We wish hopefully stimulating readings and discussions! Katja Mruck FQS Editor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FQS 4(3) DOING BIOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH, EDITED BY GERHARD RIEMANN Gerhard Riemann (Germany): A Joint Project Against the Backdrop of a Research Tradition: An Introduction into "Doing Biographical Research" Rita Franceschini (Germany): Unfocussed Language Acquisition? The Presentation of Linguistic Situations in Biographical Narration Neval Gueltekin, Lena Inowlocki & Helma Lutz (Germany): Quest and Query. Interpreting a Biographical Interview with a Turkish Woman Laborer in Germany Kaja Kazmierska (Poland): Migration Experiences and Changes of Identity. The Analysis of a Narrative Setsuo Mizuno (Japan): Transformative Experiences of a Turkish Woman in Germany: A Case-Mediated Approach toward an Autobiographical Narrative Interview Fritz Schuetze (Germany): Huelya's Migration to Germany as Self-Sacrifice Undergone and Suffered in Love for her Parents, and her Later Biographical Individualization. Biographical Problems and Biographical Work of Marginalization and Individualization of a Young Turkish Woman in Germany (will be published in October 2003) Baerbel Treichel & Birgit Schwelling (Germany): Extended Processes of Biographical Suffering and the Allusive Expression of Deceit in an Autobiographical Narrative Interview with a Female Migrant Worker in Germany Robert Faux (USA): Reflections: Doing Biographical Research SINGLE CONTRIBUTIONS Linda Andersen (Denmark): When the Unconscious Joins the Game: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Modernization and Change Cornelius Buerschaper, Holger Harms, Gesine Hofinger & Marcus Rall (Germany): Problem-Solving Skills in Anesthesia Nicola Doering & Christine Dietmar (Germany): Mediated Communication in Couple Relationships: Approaches for Theoretical Modeling and First Qualitative Findings Odis E. Simmons & Toni A. Gregory (USA): Grounded Action: Achieving Optimal and Sustainable Change Brigitte Smit (South Africa): Can Qualitative Research Inform Policy Implementation? Evidence and Arguments from a Developing Country Context Nelson Varas-Díaz & Jose Toro-Alfonso (Puerto Rico): Incarnating Stigma: Visual Images of the Body with HIV/AIDS Holger von der Lippe & Urs Fuhrer (Germany): Inquiries into Men's Desire for Children: Results from a Study on Family Formation with 30-Year-Old Men from East Germany Harald Weilnboeck (Germany): Leila: Phenomena of Dissociation in a Young Adult's Media Interaction. A Case Study in Media-Biography and Psychotraumatology FQS REVIEW Thorsten Berndt (Germany): "To Go to the Body." Advances in Phenomenological-sociological Identity Theory. Review Essay: Robert Gugutzer (2002). Leib, Koerper und Identitaet. Eine phaenomenologisch-soziologische Untersuchung zur personalen Identitaet [Being a Body, to Have a Body and Identity. A Phenomenological-sociological Exploration of Personal Identity] Rainer Diaz-Bone (Germany): Developments in the Field of the Foucauldian Discourse Analysis. Collective Review: Glyn Williams (1999). French Discourse Analysis. The Method of Post-structuralism; Johannes Angermueller, Katharina Bunzmann & Martin Nonhoff (Eds.) (2001). Diskursanalyse. Theorien, Methoden, Anwendungen [Discourse Analysis: Theories, Methods and Applications]; Reiner Keller, Andreas Hirseland, Werner Schneider & Willy Viehoefer (Eds.) (2001). Handbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Diskursanalyse. Band 1: Theorien und Methoden [Handbook of Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences, Vol. 1: Theories and Methods]; Patrick Charaudeau & Dominique Maingueneau (Eds.) (2002). Dictionaire d'analyse du discours [Dictionary of Discourse Analysis]; Reiner Keller (2003). Diskursforschung. Eine Einfuehrung fuer SozialwissenschaftlerInnen [Discourse Research. An Introduction for Social Scientists] Mary Gergen (USA): Review Note: Ross Gray & Christina Sinding (2002). Standing Ovation: Performing Social Science Research about Cancer Dagmar Hoffmann & Markus Wiemker (Germany): Review Note: Rainer Winter & Lothar Mikos (Eds.) (2001). Die Fabrikation des Populaeren. Der John-Fiske-Reader [The Production of the Popular: The John Fiske Reader]; Udo Goettlich, Lothar Mikos & Rainer Winter (Eds.) (2001). Die Werkzeugkiste der Cultural Studies. Perspektiven, Anschluesse und Interventionen [The Cultural Studies Toolbox: Perspectives, Connections and Interventions] Andreas Klaerner (Germany): Review Note: Wolfgang Frindte & Joerg Neumann (Eds.) (2002). Fremdenfeindliche Gewalttaeter. Biografien und Tatverlaeufe [Xenophobic Perpetrators. Biographies and Crimes] Anja Mensching (Germany): Convincing Doubts instead of Doubtful Persuasions-An Understanding Perspective on Hermeneutical Police Research. Review Essay: Jo Reichertz & Norbert Schroeer (Eds.) (2003). Hermeneutische Polizeiforschung [Hermeneutical Police Research] Klaus Niedermair (Austria): Review Note: Christina Schachtner (2002). Entdecken und Erfinden. Lernmedium Computer [Discovering and Inventing. Computers as Learning Media] Matthias Otten (Germany): Review Note: Helga Kotthoff (Ed.) (2002). Kultur(en) im Gespraech [Culture(s) in Conversation] Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): "If Somebody's with Something Every Day They've Gotta Learn Something-Or They're Just Out to Lunch": The Dialectics of Ethnography as a Way of Being. Review Essay: Harry F. Wolcott (1999). Ethnography: A Way of Seeing Meike Schwabe (Germany): Review Note: Gabriele Lucius-Hoene & Arnulf Deppermann (2002). Rekonstruktion narrativer Identitaet. Ein Arbeitsbuch zur Analyse narrativer Interviews [The Reconstruction of Narrative Identity. A Guide to the Analysis of Narrative Interviews] Dirk vom Lehn (UK): Review Note: Michaela Goll (2002). Arbeiten im Netz. Kommunikationsstrukturen, Arbeitsablaeufe, Wissensmanagement [Doing Work in a Networked Organisation. Structures of Communication, Processes of Work and Knowledge Management] Tilmann Walter (Germany): Review Note: Karin Flaake (2001). Koerper, Sexualitaet und Geschlecht. Studien zur Adoleszenz junger Frauen [Body, Sexuality, and Sex/Gender. Studies in Women's Adolescence] FQS CONFERENCES Lars Allolio-Naecke (Germany): Focusing on Everyday Life. Conference Report: Alltag im Aufbruch. Ein psychologisches Profil der Gegenwartskultur [Everyday Life on the Start. A psychological (re)view on present culture] Manfred Seifert (Germany): Perspectives - Positions - Methods. European Ethnology on Studying Contemporary Changes in the Working World. Conference Essay: Neue Medien und Arbeitswelt. Translokale Arbeits- und Organisationsformen als Herausforderung fuer die ethnographische Praxis [New Media and the Working World. Trans-local Work and Organization Schemes as a Challenge for Ethnographic Practice] -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) Deutsch -> English -> Espanol -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: