Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A) Articles, published in former FQS issues in the German language and now also available in English B) Articles, published in August 2004 C) Requests and comments from our readers D) Conferences E) Open Access News Wishing you a nice September! Katja Mruck FQS-Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FORMER FQS ISSUES IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE AND NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH Uwe Laucken (Germany): Quality Criteria as Instruments for Political Control of Sciences; published in FQS 3(1) Christian Lueders (Germany): Evaluation as Practical Hermeneutics -- or The Long and Stony Road from a Theory of Practice to Evaluation Practice. Review Essay: Thomas A. Schwandt (2002). Evaluation Practice Reconsidered; published in FQS 5(1) B) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN AUGUST 2004 Yeslam Al-Saggaf & Kirsty Williamson (Australia): Online Communities in Saudi Arabia: Evaluating the Impact on Culture Through Online Semi-Structured Interviews Leo Guertler & Silke-Birgitta Gahleitner (Germany): Conference Report: Fourth Annual Meeting of Qualitative Psychology. "Areas of Qualitative Psychology -- Special Focus on Design" Karl Kollmann (Austria): The Launch of the Euro in Retrospect -- Insights From an In-Depth Evaluation Study in Austria Joan K. Langlois, Richard H. Parrish II, Ronald Rupert & Dwain Daniel (USA): A Living History -- A Qualitative Study of Experienced Chiropractors Treating Visceral Conditions Kathrin Ruhl (Germany): Review Note: Jane Ritchie & Jane Lewis (Eds.) (2003). Qualitative Research Practice. A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers Milind Sathye (Australia): Leadership in Higher Education: A Qualitative Study Martin Welker (Germany): Review Note, Marianne Englert, Eckhard Lange, Heiner Schmitt & Hans-Gerhard Stuelb (Eds.) (2002). Vernetzungen. Archivdienstleistungen in Presse, Rundfunk und Online-Medien [Cross-Linkings. Archive Services in Press, Broadcast and Online Media] C) REQUESTS AND COMMENTS FROM OUR READERS Question: Help -- first action research project, Friday, August 6, 2004 Response to: Appropriate questions in qualitative research, Elke Kuerth-Landwehr, Sunday, August 8, 2004 D) CONFERENCES On January 28- 29 2005 the Launch Conference "Learning about Risk" of the ESRC Social Contexts and Responses to Risk Network takes place in Canterbury, UK See for additional Conference Announcements. E) OPEN ACCESS NEWS The August SPARC Open Access Newsletter is available online: On October 15, 2005 the "Symposium on Open Access to Knowledge and Scholarly Communication" takes place in Zurich, Switzerland, organized by the University of Zurich and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences. The draft of the [Open Access] Declaration of the Scottish Science Information Strategy Working Group's is online at (from American Scientist Open Access Forum); the official launch of the Declaration by the Royal Society of Edinburgh will take place in October. The Economist published the contribution "Access all areas" on August 5, 2004, see (information provided by Claudia Koltzenburg). Sage Publications ( has established a presence at HighWire Press; there are several hundred journals, all permitting free full text access through the end of October (from ERIL-L@LISTSERV.BINGHAMTON.EDU). -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: