Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A) Articles from former FQS issues, now also available in the Spanish language B) Articles, published in December 2004 C) From our readers D) Grants E) Conferences F) Open Access News On behalf of the Editorial Staff I would like to thank you for your interest and support -- we enjoyed collaborating and working on FQS over the past five years and look forward to many more. Wishing you a season of health, peace, and solidarity! Katja Mruck FQS-Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) ARTICLES FROM FORMER FQS ISSUES, NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH FQS 4(2), Franz Breuer: Lo subjetivo del conocimiento socio-científico y su reflexión: ventanas epistemológicas y traducciones metodológicas FQS 5(3), "La investigación es trabajo duro, siempre está ligada a cierta dosis de sufrimiento. De ahí que por otro lado, deba ser entretenida, divertida". Anselm Strauss en conversación con Heiner Legewie y Barbara Schervier-Legewie (Thanks to our colleagues, Friedrich Welsch and Sebastián Soler Schreiber, for providing the Spanish translations!) B) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN DECEMBER 2004 Emily Abbey & Jaan Valsiner (USA): Emergence of Meanings Through Ambivalence Georgina Kelly, Jeanette A. Lawrence & Agnes E. Dodds (Australia): Women's Developmental Experiences of Living with Type 1 Diabetes Thomas Link (Austria): The Multiple Roles and Functions of Evaluation in the Context of E-Learning Programs. Review Essay: Dorothee M. Meister, Sigmar-Olaf Tergan & Peter Zentel (Eds.) (2004). Evaluation von E-Learning. Zielrichtungen, methodologische Aspekte, Zukunftsperspektiven [Evaluation of E-Learning Programs. Goals, Methodology, and Future Directions] Mike Metcalfe (Australia): Empirics as Comparisons Sabina Misoch (Germany): as Media of Self-Presentation. Review Essay: Jamshid Makhfi (2002). Medienkultur. Eine qualitative und quantitative Analyse von Webpages [Media Culture. A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Webpages] Carl Ratner (USA): Social Constructionism as Cultism. Comments on: "'Old-Stream' Psychology Will Disappear With the Dinosaurs!" Kenneth Gergen in Conversation With Peter Mattes and Ernst Schraube Ted Riecken, Teresa Strong-Wilson, Frank Conibear, Corrine Michel & Janet Riecken (Canada): Connecting, Speaking, Listening: Toward an Ethics of Voice with/in Participatory Action Research C) FROM OUR READERS Question on qualitative content analysis: Question on the use of metaphors to measure organizational culture: D) GRANTS SSRC Eurasia Program: 2005 Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition: The Eurasia Program of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is currently offering a number of fellowships at both the predoctoral and postdoctoral levels for the 2005-2006 academic year for research, writing, training and curriculum development on or related to any of the New States of Eurasia, the Soviet Union, and/or the Russian Empire. These fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of State under the Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII). New online applications and supporting materials are now available on the SSRC website at Extended deadline: January 26, 2005 9:00 PM EST E) CONFERENCES February 10-11 & 14-16 and June, 9-10 & 13-15 London, UK Intensive Short Courses in the Biographic-Narrative-Interpretive Method (BNIM): Narrative interviewing and BNIM interpretation and uses (PDF file, 33 KB) April 9 University of Huddersfield, UK 5th Annual Narrative and Memory Research Group Conference on "Narrative, Memory and Knowledge: Representations, Aesthetics, Contexts" May 19-21 Open University, Milton Keynes, UK Call for Papers, 5th International Symposium on Cultural Gerontology: Current and Future Pasts (PDF file, 98 KB) June 17-18 ZUMA Mannheim, Germany Workshop Hermeneutics and Qualitative Methodology June 28-July 1 University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa International Critical Psychology Conference 2005 "Beyond the pale" September 9-12 Torun, Poland CfP ESA Research Network "Qualitative Methods", 7th European Sociological Association Conference of Sociology (PDF file, 33 KB) 21-22 and 23-24 September Buggiba, Republic of Malta Conference on Social Capital and Conference on Economy and Community, organized by the Social Capital Foundation July 23-29, 2006 Durban, South Africa CfP ISA World Congress of Sociology, The Research Committee 03, Community Research (PDF file, 33 KB) See for additional Conference Announcements. F) OPEN ACCESS NEWS The December SPARC Open Access Newsletter is available online at The Swedish Association of Higher Education (SUHF) has signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. Declaration from Buenos Aires on information, documentation and libraries (English) (Spanish) University of Southampton: Commitment to open access Release of the latest version of the GNU Eprints OAI-compliant OA-Archive-creating software: Summary from Claudia Koltzenburg on the Cologne Open Access Publishing Summit; see for her presentation on "GAP - German Academic Publishers: Networking Open Access Scientific Publishing in Germany" Finally some information about open access journals and e-books, hopefully interesting for some of you: *** Bulletin of the World Health Organization Long running research journal of WHO. The Bulletin's mission statement is succinct: "To publish and disseminate scientifically rigorous public health information of international significance that enables policy-makers, researchers and practitioners to be more effective and improves health, particularly among disadvantaged populations." *** International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology "The journal is published on the WWW as an open resource journal, i.e., with free and open access to all, but it has the status of commercially published journals by having an International Editorial Board and academic peer-reviewed articles." *** World History Connected "presents innovative classroom-ready scholarship, keeps readers up to date on the latest research and debates, presents the best in learning and teaching methods and practices, offers readers rich teaching resources, and reports on exemplary teaching." *** The Glasgow Digital Library (GDL) has produced a series of freely available e-books relating to Glasgow and Scotland. These books have been digitised and converted to web format at the Centre for Digital Library Research from a variety of special collections. -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: