Dear All, The 14th issue of the on-line journal FQS -- "Special Issue: FQS Reviews III" -- is now available at FQS 5(1) is edited by Guenter Mey and Kip Jones and deals with topics like "Qualtitative Methodology and Methods," "Body, Culture, Identity," "Online-Research, New Media," and "Theoretical Perspectives." It is our hope that the articles published in this issue will provide you, the reader, some useful information about the books under review, raise your curiosity and help you decide whether you would like to read the entire book or not. Furthermore the articles should also offer you some ideas about research areas under discussion and create impulses for future commentaries and debates. If you are interested to comment on a review note or review essay, already published (, or if you like to review a book (, please contact Guenter Mey ( As always, in addition to the contributions belonging to FQS Reviews, selected single contributions, some articles on the ongoing FQS Debate "Doing Successful Research in the Social Sciences -- Ethnography of the Career Politics of an Occupational Group," and some recent conference reports are also available. All in all, 39 articles created FQS 5(1) with contributions from authors from eight countries and various disciplines. Some of the authors being experienced representatives from their field, such as Barney G. Glaser, Christian Lueders, Alexander von Plato, Wolf-Michael Roth, Jaan Valsiner and Tom Wengraf, and some who recently began their academic career such as Stefanie Grosse, Hiltrud Krey or Yew-Jin Lee, to mention a few. See below the table of contents and some additional information. We wish hopefully stimulating readings and discussions! Katja Mruck FQS Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) FQS 5(1) -- SPECIAL ISSUE: FQS REVIEWS III Editorial "Special Issue: FQS Reviews III" Guenter Mey: Editorial Note FQS Reviews: Editorial Work is "Communication Work" FQS REVIEWS: METHODOLOGY AND METHODS Dirk Ducar (Germany): Review Note, Udo Kuckartz (1999). Computergestuetzte Analyse qualitativer Daten. Eine Einfuehrung in die Methoden und Arbeitstechniken [Computer Aided Analysis of Qualitative Data: An Introduction to Methods and Techniques] Maximilian C. Forte (Canada): Review Note, Robert V. Kemper & Anya Peterson Royce (Eds.) (2002). Chronicling Cultures: Long-term Field Research in Anthropology Susanne Friese (Germany): Review Note, Margaret A. Morrison, Eric Haley, Kim Bartel Sheehan & Ronal E. Taylor (2002). Using Qualitative Research in Advertising: Strategies, Techniques, and Applications / Shay Sayre (2001). Qualitative Methods for Marketplace Research Stefanie Grosse (Germany): Review Note, Guenter Burkart & Juergen Wolf (Eds.) (2002). Lebenszeiten. Erkundungen zur Soziologie der Generationen [Life Course. Investigation Into the Sociology of Generations] Mechthild Kiegelmann (Germany): Review Note, Melanie Mauthner, Maxine Birch, Julie Jessop & Tina Miller (Eds.) (2002). Ethics in Qualitative Research Iain Lang (UK): Review Note, Janice M. Morse & Lyn Richards (2002). Readme First for a User's Guide to Qualitative Methods Yew-Jin Lee (Canada): Documents in Action: How to Follow Scientists of Society. Review Essay: Lindsay Prior (2003). Using Documents in Social Research Christian Lueders (Germany): Evaluation as Practical Hermeneutics -- or, the Long and Winding Road from the Theory of Practice to the Everyday Practice of Evaluation Research. Review Essay: Thomas A. Schwandt (2002). Evaluation Practice Reconsidered (Conterpoints - Studies in Postmodern Theory of Education, Vol. 211) Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Autobiography as Scientific Text: A Dialectical Approach to the Role of Experience. Review Essay: Harry F. Wolcott (2002). Sneaky Kid and Its Aftermath Tom Wengraf (UK): Paradigm Wars Around Interview Methodologies: Constructionism and Postmodernism "on tap" or "on top"? Review Essay: James Holstein & Jaber Gubrium (Eds.) (2003). Inside Interviewing: New Lenses, New Concerns / Jaber Gubrium & James Holstein (Eds.) (2003). Postmodern Interviewing Till Westermayer (Germany) Beyond Things: A Cultural Theory of Flexible Practice. Review Essay: Karl H. Hoerning (2001). Experten des Alltags. Die Wiederentdeckung des praktischen Wissens [Experts of Everyday Life. The Re-discovery of Practical Knowledge] FQS REVIEWS: BODY / CULTURE / IDENTITY Johannes Angermueller (Germany): Review Note, Rainer Diaz-Bone (2002). Kulturwelt, Diskurs und Lebensstil [Cultural World, Discourse and Life Style] Una Dirks (Germany): Chances and Obstacles of an "Understanding Explaining" Illustrated by Linguistic and Cultural Studies' Approaches to Auto-/Biographies. Review Essay: Rita Franceschini (Ed.) (2001). Biographie und Interkulturalitaet. Diskurs und Lebenspraxis [Biography and Multiculturalism. Discourse and Life Styles] Robert Gugutzer (Germany): Comment on Thorsten Berndt: "To Go to the Body." Advances in Phenomenological-sociological Identity Theory, published in FQS 4(3) Dagmar Hoffmann & Soeren Bott (Germany): Review Note, Ursula Pasero & Anja Gottburgsen (Eds.) (2002). Wie natuerlich ist Geschlecht? Gender und die Konstruktion von Natur und Technik [How Obvious is Sex? Gender and the Construction of Nature and Technology] Katja Koch (Germany): Review Note, Tarek Badawia (2002). "Der dritte Stuhl" - Eine Grounded-Theory-Studie zum kreativen Umgang bildungserfolgreicher Immigrantenjugendlicher mit kultureller Differenz ["The Third Chair" -- How Immigrant Young People with a High Educational Achievement Develop a Strategy to Creatively Handle Cultural Differences. A Study Based on Grounded Theory] Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel (Germany): Review Note, Ronald Hitzler, Thomas Bucher & Arne Niederbacher (2001). Leben in Szenen. Formen jugendlicher Vergemeinschaftung heute [Living in Scenes. Forms of Youth Communities] FQS REVIEWS: ONLINE-RESEARCH / NEW MEDIA Christian Carls (Germany): Review Note, Christian Stegbauer (2001). Grenzen virtueller Gemeinschaft - Strukturen internetbasierter Kommunikationsforen [Boundaries of Virtual Communities -- Structures of Internet-based Communication Fora] Nicola Doering (Germany): Review Note, Oliver Maerker & Matthias Trénel (Eds.) (2003). Online-Mediation. Neue Medien in der Konfliktvermittlung - mit Beispielen aus Politik und Wirtschaft [Online-Mediation. New Media in Conflict Resolution -- with Examples from Politics and Industry] Anja Kassel (Germany): Review Note, Katja Bett & Joachim Wedekind (Eds.) (2003). Lernplattformen in der Praxis [Learning Platforms in Practice] Gerald Kral (Austria): Review Note, Nicola Doering (2003). Sozialpsychologie des Internet. Die Bedeutung des Internet fuer Kommunikationsprozesse, Identitaeten, soziale Beziehungen und Gruppen (2., vollstaendig ueberarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage) [Social Psychology of the Internet. The Importance of the Internet for Communication Processes, Identities, Social Relationships and Groups, 2nd revised and expanded edition] Jakob Marti (Switzerland): Review Note, Elmar Stahl (2001). Hyper - Text - Schreiben [Writing Hypertext] FQS REVIEWS: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Daniel Osterwalder (Switzerland): Review Note, Claudia Rademacher & Peter Wiechens (Eds.) (2000). Verstehen und Kritik. Soziologische Suchbewegungen nach dem Ende der Gewissheiten. Festschrift fuer Rolf Eickelpasch [Understanding and Critique. Sociological Enquiries After the End of Certainties. Festschrift for Rolf Eickelpasch] Christian Swertz (Germany): Review Note, Theodor M. Bardmann & Alexander Lamprecht (1999). Systemtheorie verstehen [Understanding System Theory] SINGLE CONTRIBUTIONS Béatrice Boufoy-Bastick (Guyana): Auto-Interviewing, Auto-Ethnography and Critical Incident Methodology for Eliciting Self-Conceptualised Worldview Barney G. Glaser (USA): "Naturalist Inquiry" and Grounded Theory Amrei C. Joerchel (Germany) & Jaan Valsiner (USA): Making Decisions About Taking Medicines: A Social Coordination Process Hiltrud Krey (Germany): The Problem of Controlling One's Emotions in Nursing Education. An Examination of How to Deal With the Feelings of Disgust Among 3rd Year Nursing Students Yew Jin Lee & Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Making a Scientist: Discursive "Doing" of Identity and Self-Presentation During Research Interviews Alexander von Plato (Germany): History and Psychology -- Oral History and Psychoanalysis. Development of a Problematic Relationship. Outline and Literature Survey David Poveda, Manuel Palomares-Valera & Ana Cano (Spain): Putting School in Its Place: A Narrative Analysis of the Educational Memories of Late Adult and Elder People Tom Wengraf (UK): Boundaries and Relationships in Homelessness Work: Lola, an Agency Manager FQS DEBATE: "DOING SUCCESSFUL RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES -- ETHNOGRAPHY OF THE CAREER POLITICS OF AN OCCUPATIONAL GROUP" Wolff-Michael Roth: The Reflexive Nature of Reading as Ethnographic Practice: Editorial Note Graham Badley (UK): Reading an Academic Journal is Like Doing Ethnography Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Vagaries and Politics of Funding: Beyond "I Told You So" FQS CONFERENCES Vanessa May (UK): Public and Private Narratives. Essay: Conference on Narrative, Ideology and Myth Irina Roncaglia (UK): Analyzing Recorded Interviews: Making Sense of Oral History, Conference Note Janina Soehn (Germany): Rechtsextremismusforschung - aktuelle Tendenzen empirischer Untersuchungen [Research on Right-wing Extremism -- Latest Trends in Empirical Studies], Conference Note B) READERS´ REQUESTS Using Chat rooms as a medium for focus group-trustworthiness of the data collected C) INFORMATION ABOUT PARTNERS/CONFERENCES The English interface of the journal BIOGRAF has been released; see for the Czech/Slovak and for the English version of the web site. Fifth Qualitative Research Conference, 6 - 7th September, Bournemouth University, UK Call for Papers, ESA Research Network "Qualitative Methods": "The State of the Art of Qualitative Social Research in Europe", 9 - 10th September, Technical University of Berlin, Germany Call for Papers, 5th European Conference for Community Psychology: Social Responsibility in a Globalizing World. Learning Communities, Empowerment and Quality of Life, 16 - 19th September, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany EES Sixth Conference Governance, Democracy, and Evaluation, 30th September - 2nd October, University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Legal Affairs Berlin, Germany -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: