Dear All, Today I would like to inform you about the following topics: A) Loss of Our Colleague Angelika Birck B) Articles, published in June 2004 C) Requests and comments from our readers D) Conferences E) Open Access News All the best, Katja Mruck FQS-Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) LOSS OF OUR COLLEAGUE ANGELIKA BIRCK Our author Angelika Birck has passed away. She died suddenly on June 7, 2004 at the age of 32. Her death moved all of us very deeply. She dedicated her professional and personal efforts to victims of violence and torture. To FQS she contributed the text entitled "Laura's doctorate" ( under the section FQS Debates "Doing successful research in the social sciences--Ethnography of the Career Politics of an Occupational Group" [Vol. 4, No. 2 (May 2003)]. She described the text as "literary and fictitious"--which it of course wasn't. It describes her experience in details while trying to earn her doctorate in the bureaucratic jungle of universities in two countries. When I learned about her troubles I encouraged her to publish a literary account of her story in our FQS Debate on ethnography in the social sciences. Now facing her sudden death and short life span this account is even more meaningful. We are glad and proud to have her as an author. Angelika Bircks's long-time life companion--Dinu Gherman--has set up a web site in her memory: Franz Breuer on behalf of the Editorial Staff B) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN JUNE 2004 Andrea D. Buehrmann (Germany): Review Note, Alexander Bogner, Beate Littig & Wolfgang Menz (Eds.) (2002). Das Experteninterview. Theorie, Methode, Anwendung [The Expert Interview: Theory, Method and Application] Dagmar Hoffmann (Germany): Review Note, Nathalie Iványi & Jo Reichertz (Eds.) (2003). Liebe (wie) im Fernsehen. Eine wissenssoziologische Analyse [Love (like) on Television. An Analysis Based on the Sociology of Knowledge] Anja Naumann (Germany): Review Note, Reinhard Keil-Slawik & Michael Kerres (Eds.) (2003). Wirkungen und Wirksamkeit neuer Medien in der Bildung [The Impact and Effectiveness of New Media in Education] Eduardo Sarquis Soares (Brazil): Talking about Challenges of Being a Teacher. Review Essay, Woff-Michael Roth (2002). Being and Becoming in the Classroom Wilhelm Schwendemann (Germany): Review Note, Arnulf Deppermann (2001). Gespraeche analysieren. Eine Einfuehrung [Analyzing Conversations. An Introduction] Volker Wedekind (South Africa): Review Note, Ardra L. Cole & J. Gary Knowles (Eds.) (2001). Lives in Context: The Art of Life History Research C) REQUESTS AND COMMENTS FROM OUR READERS Comment on "Evaluation and Adjudication of Research Proposals: Vagaries and Politics of Funding" ( by Wolff-Michael Roth D) CONFERENCES 6. - 7. April 2005, London South Bank University, UK: International Conference "Whither Social Capital? Past, Present and Future" (Call for Papers) See for additional Conference Announcements. E) OPEN ACCESS NEWS June SPARC Open Access Newsletter: New SPARC/ARL/ACRL Brochure on Open Access: (246 KB) Peter Suber: "Open Access Overview. Focusing on open access to peer-reviewed research": Australia wants to make government-funded research more accessible: "The Government believes that it has a major policy interest in improving the accessibility of research. It is therefore decided to pursue the agendas of making research quality more apparent, and research results more accessible, in parallel ?In terms of accessibility of research the NSCF [National Scholarly Communications Forum] constituents will work with international partners on a number of fronts especially to develop the concept of 'public funding, public knowledge, public access'." (Open Access News, posted by Peter Suber) (49 KB) New journals from SciELO, a major source of Open Access literature from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain: -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: