Dear All, Today I would like to inform you about the following topics: A) The German Research Foundation continues funding FQS B) Articles, published in February and March 2004 C) Open Access News All the best, Katja Mruck FQS-Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) THE GERMAN RESEARCH FOUNDATION CONTINUES FUNDING FQS Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), the central, self-governing research organization in Germany, decided to continue funding FQS. The new project will start in May 2005, cooperatively organized by the Freie Universitaet Berlin (, the national Social Science Information Centre (, and German Academic Publishers ( We will inform you soon about the project and also about some technological improvements, concerning the peer review and publishing process for your journal. B) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2004 Rod Gerber (Australia): Review Note, Will van den Hoonaard (Ed.) (2002). Walking the Tightrope: Ethical Issues for Qualitative Researchers Shoshana Berenzon Gorn & Emily Ito Sugiyama (Mexico): Between Traditional and Scientific Medicine: A Research Strategy for the Study of the Pathways to Treatment Followed by a Group of Mexican Patients with Emotional Disorders Stefanie Ernst (Germany): Applied Methodical Mixture? Group Discussions and Paper & Pencil Interviews as a Preliminary Study in the Evaluation of Higher Education Barney G. Glaser (USA) with the assistance of Judith Holton (Canada): Remodeling Grounded Theory Carol L. Langer & Rich Furman (USA): Exploring Identity and Assimilation: Research and Interpretive Poems Michelle K. McGinn & Sandra L. Bosacki (Canada): Research Ethics and Practitioners: Concerns and Strategies for Novice Researchers Engaged in Graduate Education Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Qualitative Research and Ethics Mike Steffen Schaefer (Germany): Review Note, Martin Endress (2002). "Vertrauen" ["Trust"] Jan Schmidt (Germany): Review Note, Joachim R. Hoeflich (2003). Mensch, Computer und Kommunikation. Theoretische Verortungen und empirische Befunde [Man, Computer, Communication. Theoretical Positions and Empirical Findings] C) OPEN ACCESS NEWS On January 30, the OECD published a statement, supporting open access: for a short summary see "OECD Ministers Support Open Access for Publicly Funded Research Data," Barbara Quint, Information Today, February 9th 2004: Since February, information about PLoS Medicine, the 2nd open-access journal, edited by Public Library of Science, is available online: In his contribution "India's march towards open access," published in SciDev.Net, March 5th 2004, Subbiah Arunachalam discusses the advantages of open access for Indian colleagues: On March 16, representatives from leading North-American not-for-profit medical/scientific societies and publishers have announced their commitment to providing free access and wide dissemination of published research findings; see In the evidence presented to the British House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into Scientific Publications, BioMed Central responded to some of the most prevalent and most misleading anti-Open Access arguments; see -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: