Dear All, I would like to inform you that the 15th FQS Issue is now available online. FQS 5(2) examines theories, methods, and empirical studies in the field of qualitative market, media and opinion research. In addition to the articles involving qualitative market, media and opinion research, FQS 5(2) also contains, as always, selected single contributions dealing with grounded theory, analyses of photographs, usage of poems for qualitative research, and qualitative evaluation methods for higher education. Subsequent articles explore the role regional television plays in shaping regional identities, the construction of sports narration, and pathways to treatment between traditional and scientific medicine. Four articles are featured in FQS Debates: two submissions contribute to the ongoing discussion in the FQS Debate on "Ethnography of the Career Politics," the remaining two articles deal with "Qualitative Research and Ethics." FQS Reviews includes review notes and review essays on various themes, addressing for example the integration of qualitative and quantitative research, metaphor analysis, and the construction of masculinity in an Austrian right-wing party. Two texts are available under FQS Conferences: one on a Methods Workshop, organized by the Centre for Women's, Gender and Queer Studies at the University of Hamburg, Germany, and another gives a summary of the British Psychological Society Annual Conference, held in April 2004 in London, UK. See below the table of contents and some additional information. We wish hopefully stimulating readings and discussions! Katja Mruck FQS Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) FQS 5(2) -- QUALITATIVE MARKET, MEDIA AND OPINION RESEARCH Katja Mruck (Germany): Editorial: The Current FQS Issue on Qualitative Market, Media and Opinion Research Andreas M. Marlovits (Germany), Thomas Kuehn (Germany/Brazil) & Katja Mruck (Germany): The Exchange Between Academic and Applied Social Research: The Current State of Qualitative Market, Media and Opinion Research Janice Bell (USA): The Yin and Yang of U.S. Image: Using Focus Groups to Understand Anti-U.S. Attitudes in Italy Ursula Breitenfelder, Christoph Hofinger, Isabella Kaupa & Ruth Picker (Austria): The Use of Focus Groups in the Process of Political Research and Consultancy Monica Colombo (Italy): Theoretical Perspectives in Media-Communication Research: From Linear to Discursive Models Gloria Dahl (Germany): Qualitative Analysis of Films: Cultural Processes in the Mirror of Film Nikhilesh Dholakia & Dong Zhang (USA): Online Qualitative Research in the Age of E-Commerce: Data Sources and Approaches Rainer Diaz-Bone (Germany): Milieu Models and Milieu Instruments in Market Research Dirk Frank & Peter Riedl (Germany): Theoretical Foundations of Contemporary Qualitative Market Research--An Overview and an Integrative Perspective Werner Kaiser (Germany): The Importance of Qualitative Market Research in Corporate Research Monika Kritzmoeller (Germany): Theoria cum Praxi? The (In-) Compatibility of Demands in Science and Business World Thomas Kuehn (Germany/Brazil): The Unexplored Potential of Qualitative Market Research Florian H. Mueller & Elisabeth Kals (Germany): Q-Sort Technique and Q-Methodology--Innovative Methods for Examining Attitudes and Opinions Corinna Pelz, Annette Schmitt & Markus Meis (Germany): Knowledge Mapping as a Tool for Analyzing Focus Groups and Presenting Their Results in Market and Evaluation Research Michaela Pfadenhauer (Germany): How Do Trend Researchers Conduct Research? The Production of Knowledge in a Controversial Field Lubomir Popov (USA): The Market for Facility Programming: A Study of Client Preferences and Decision-Making Margrit Schreier, Oezen Odag & Norbert Groeben (Germany): The Third Gulf War: Perceived Credibility of the Media Coverage SINGLE CONTRIBUTIONS Shoshana Berenzon Gorn & Emily Ito Sugiyama (Mexico): Between Traditional and Scientific Medicine: A Research Strategy for the Study of the Pathways to Treatment Followed by a Group of Mexican Patients with Emotional Disorders Stefanie Ernst (Germany): Applied Methodical Mixture? Group Discussions and Paper & Pencil Interviews as a Preliminary Study in the Evaluation of Higher Education Barney G. Glaser (USA) with the assistance of Judith Holton (Canada): Remodeling Grounded Theory A. Javier Izquierdo-Martín (Spain): "¿Sabes lo que te digo?": sobre las secuencias de revelación de las bromas cámara oculta Carol L. Langer & Rich Furman (USA): Exploring Identity and Assimilation: Research and Interpretive Poems Dietmar Rost (Germany): The Making of the "Brandenburgers". A Case Study of Regional Television and Its Efforts to Shape Regional Identity by Using History Martti Silvennoinen (Finland): The Many Levels of Sports Narration FQS DEBATE: DOING SUCCESSFUL RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES--ETHNOGRAPHY OF THE CAREER POLITICS OF AN OCCUPATIONAL GROUP Jo Reichertz (Germany): To the Top. Micropolitics of Career Planning of Social Scientists Sandra Beaufaÿs (Germany): Doing Science--Doing Gender. The Making and the Unmaking of Scientists FQS DEBATE: "QUALITATIVE RESEARCH AND ETHICS" Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Qualitative Research and Ethics Michelle K. McGinn & Sandra L. Bosacki (Canada): Research Ethics and Practitioners: Concerns and Strategies for Novice Researchers Engaged in Graduate Education FQS REVIEWS Nicole Burzan (Germany): Review Note, Christian Seipel & Peter Rieker (2003). Integrative Sozialforschung. Konzepte und Methoden der qualitativen und quantitativen empirischen Forschung [Integrative Social Research. Concepts and Methods of Qualitative and Quantitative Research] Rod Gerber (Australia): Review Note, Will van den Hoonaard (Ed.) (2002). Walking the Tightrope: Ethical Issues for Qualitative Researchers Andreas Klaerner (Germany): Review Note, Oliver Geden (2004). Maennlichkeitskonstruktionen in der Freiheitlichen Partei Oesterreichs. Eine qualitativ-empirische Untersuchung [Constructions of Masculinity in the Freedom Party of Austria: A Qualitative Research Study] Mike Steffen Schaefer (Germany): Review Note, Martin Endress (2002). "Vertrauen" ["Trust"] Jan Schmidt (Germany): Review Note, Joachim R. Hoeflich (2003). Mensch, Computer und Kommunikation. Theoretische Verortungen und empirische Befunde [Man, Computer, Communication. Theoretical Positions and Empirical Findings] Rudolf Schmitt (Germany): Argument is War, Love is a Journey, and Qualitative Research Needs a Pair of Glasses. Review Essay, George Lakoff & Mark Johnson (2003). Leben in Metaphern. Konstruktion und Gebrauch von Sprachbildern (Translation of "Metaphors We Live By") FQS CONFERENCES Lisa Pfahl & Boris Traue (Germany): Conference Report, Lesarten qualitativer Forschung - Methoden-Workshop [Readings of Qualitative Research - Methods Workshop] Irina Roncaglia (UK): Conference Report, The BPS Annual Conference 2004 INSIDE FQS Katja Mruck, Stefan Gradmann & Guenter Mey (Germany): Open Access: (Social) Sciences as Public Good B) JUST PUBLISHED The article "Mediated Communication in Couple Relationships: Approaches forTheoretical Modelling and Initial Qualitative Findings" by Nicola Doering & Christine Dietmar is now available in the English language. C) READERS´ REQUESTS Semiotics and adequacy of research tools Appropriate questions in qualitative research D) CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. - 3. July, Centre for the study of globalisation and regionalisation, Warwick University, U.K.: Workshop Globalisation and trust 5. - 6. November, Bielefeld University, Germany: International Workshop Interaction, Artefacts and Situated Cognition See for further conferences & workshops. -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: