Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A) Articles, belonging to FQS 5(3) B) Articles, published in October 2004 C) From our readers D) Grants E) Conferences F) Open Access News Wishing you a nice weekend! Katja Mruck FQS-Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) ARTICLES, BELONGING TO FQS 5(3) "I am Not Opposed to Quantification or Formalization or Modeling, But Do Not Want to Pursue Quantitative Methods That Are Not Commensurate With the Research Phenomena Addressed" -- Aaron Cicourel in Conversation With Andreas Witzel and Guenter Mey Cesar A. Cisneros-Puebla, Robert Faux & Guenter Mey: Qualitative Researchers -- Stories Told, Storied Shared: The Storied Nature of Qualitative Research. An Introduction to the Special Issue: FQS Interviews I (now available in Spanish too): B) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN OCTOBER 2004 Robert Anthony (Canada): Consistency of Ethics Review Linda Coupal (Canada): Practitioner-Research and the Regulation of Research Ethics: The Challenge of Individual, Organizational, and Social Interests Thorsten Junge (Germany): Review Note, Petra Fosen-Schlichtinger (2002). Ueber die gesellschaftspolitische Bedeutung von Praenataldiagnostik und kuenstlicher Befruchtung als Teile moderner Reproduktionstechnologien unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung familiensoziologischer Aspekte, ihrer medizinischen Dimension und der Bedeutung des Themas Behinderung als soziales Phaenomen [The Social and Political Importance of Prenatal Diagnoses and in vitro Fertilization-Their Sociological Aspects for Families, Their Medical Importance and the Meaning of Disabilities as a Social Phenomenon] Iain Lang (UK): Review Note, Valerie J. Janesick (2004). "Stretching" Exercises for Qualitative Researchers Mary H. Maguire (Canada): What if You Talked to Me? I Could Be Interesting! Ethical Research Considerations in Engaging with Bilingual / Multilingual Child Participants in Human Inquiry Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Ethics as Social Practice: Introducing the Debate on Qualitative Research and Ethics Werner Schneider (Germany): Discourse "Makes" Reality -- A Discourse Analysis About Translating Medical Briefings. Review Essay: Bernd Meyer (2004). Dolmetschen im medizinischen Aufklaerungsgespraech. Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung zur Wissensvermittlung im mehrsprachigen Krankenhaus [Translating Briefings for Informed Consent. A Discourse Analysis About Knowledge Transfer in the Multilingual Hospital] Maaja Vadi (Estonia): Who and in What Ways Can Collaborate in Organizational Research? Review Essay: Niclas Adler, A. B. (Rami) Shani & Alexander Styhre (Eds.) (2004). Collaborative Research in Organizations. Foundations for Learning, Change, and Theoretical Development C) FROM OUR READERS For a question how to "critically evaluate quantitative and qualitative research methods" and some first responses see: D) GRANTS *** Request for Research Proposals on Advanced German and European Studies The Freie Universitaet Berlin and GSA Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies offers up to one-year of research support at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. It is open to scholars in all social science and humanities disciplines, including historians working on the period since the mid-19th century. The program accepts applications from U.S. and Canadian nationals or permanent residents. Applicants for a dissertation fellowship must be full-time graduate students who have completed all coursework required for the Ph.D. and must have achieved ABD (all but dissertation) status by the time the proposed research stay in Berlin begins. Also eligible are U.S. and Canadian Ph.D.s who have received their doctorates within the past two calendar years. Awards provide between ten and twelve months of research. Deadline: December 1, 2004 For complete information and an application, please go to our website at or send an e-mail to *** SSRC Eurasia Program: 2005 Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition The Eurasia Program of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is currently offering a number of fellowships at both the predoctoral and postdoctoral levels for the 2005-2006 academic year for research, writing, training and curriculum development on or related to any of the New States of Eurasia, the Soviet Union, and/or the Russian Empire. These fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of State under the Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII). New online applications and supporting materials are now available on the SSRC website at The electronic application submission deadline is November 9, 2004 at 9:00 p.m. E) CONFERENCES On November 19 a one-day workshop on "Digital Records and Representations of Human Activities" is organized in Nottingham, UK, by the SRC National Centre for e-Social Science. December 9-11 the Technical University of Berlin organizes a conference on "Video-Analysis: Methodology and Methods. State of the Art and Prospects of Interpretative Audiovisual Data Analysis in Sociology". (PDF file, 33 KB) February 17-19 the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada organizes the 6th Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference. May 5-7 the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA organizes the 1st International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. June 22-24 the 3rd Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing -- "Teaching Writing On Line and Face to Face" -- takes place in Athens, Greece. June 22-24 in Manchester, UK, the "First International Conference on e-Social Science" will be organized by the SRC National Centre for e-Social Science. July 6-9 the 37th World Congress "Frontiers of Sociology" will take place, organized by the Institute of Sociology in Stockholm, Sweden. See for additional Conference Announcements. F) OPEN ACCESS NEWS The German government has awarded Euro 6.1m to STM publisher FIZ Karlsruhe and the Max Planck Society (MPS) to develop a platform for web-based collaborative scientific work and self-publishing. [...] SAGE Publications goes ROMEO Green "... This improved policy comes into effect immediately and applies to all journals where SAGE is responsible for author copyright policy. It allows authors to self-archive their own copy pre-print (i.e. submitted), and their own copy post-print (i.e. accepted for publication)." National Open Access Agreement for Norway: "Norway has made a nationwide commitment to Open Access for the biomedical research it funds. All universities, polytechnics research institutes and hospitals in Norway became BioMed Central members on 1 October 2004." The October SPARC Open Access Newsletter is available online at The first issue of PLoS Medicine, the 2nd open-access jounal of the Public Library of Science (, has been published in October. New Texts: - "Ten Years After", Richard Poynder, in Information Today, 21(9), Oktober 2004: - "Future of the NIH Open Access Policy", Barbara Quint, in Information Today, 21(9), Oktober 2004: -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: