Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A) Articles, published in June and July 2005 B) Book reviewer needed for new books on autoethnography, conversation analysis and discourse analysis, ethnodrama, femininity, fieldwork, the literary/sociological divide, qualitative psychology, qualitative research in education, quantitative and qualitative research, race and ethnicity, social working research etc. C) Conferences D) Open Access News Wishing you a nice weekend! Katja Mruck ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FQS IN JUNE AND JULY 2005 Lars Allolio-Naecke (Germany). How Much Culture is Psychology Able to Deal With? Conference Report: Conference "The 100 Years of the German Society of Psychology" Michael Appel (Germany): Review, Birgit Griese, Hedwig Rose Griesehop & Martina Schiebel (Eds.) (2004). Perspektiven qualitativer Sozialforschung. Beitraege des 1. und 2. Bremer Workshops. Werkstattberichte des INBL 14 [Perspectives of Qualitative Research. Contributions to Workshops One and Two in Bremen. Notes on the Workshops of the INBL 14] Charles Lee Cole (USA): Review, Paul ten Have (2004). Understanding Qualitative Research and Ethnomethodology Birgit Huber (Germany): No More Separation between Paid Work and Leisure? Methodological and Empirical Challenges in the Debate about Post-Fordism. Review Essay: Sabine Hess & Johannes Moser (Eds.) (2003). Kultur der Arbeit - Kultur der neuen Oekonomie. Kulturwissenschaftliche Beitraege zu neoliberalen Arbeits- und Lebenswelten [Culture of Work-Culture of the New Economy. Cultural Studies in European Ethnology about Spheres of Working and Living in a Neo-liberal Society] Anat Kainan, Michal Rozenberg, Miri Munk & Nurit Eilam (Israel): The Descendants of Time and the Lodgers of Space: The Life Stories of Teacher Trainees who Immigrated to Israel During the 1990s Thomas Kuehn (Germany): The Hunt for the Nibelungen Treasure. Conference Report: "Qualitative Market Research-State of the Art and Prospects" BVM-Conference Andrea Lauser (Germany): Locating Ethnography and Global Processes Marilyn Lichtman (USA): Review, Janet Heaton (2004). Reworking Qualitative Data Marcello Maneri (Italy) & Jessika ter Wal (The Netherlands): The Criminalization of Ethnic Groups: An Issue for Media Analysis Ralf Ottermann (Germany): Constructivism is the Invention of a Critic. Review Essay: Heinz v. Foerster & Bernhard Poerksen (2004). Wahrheit ist die Erfindung eines Luegners. Gespraeche fuer Skeptiker [Understanding Systems: Conversations on Epistemology and Ethics. New York: Kluwer] Rudolf Schmitt (Germany): Review, Susan Geideck & Wolf-Andreas Liebert (Eds.) (2003). Sinnformeln. Linguistische und soziologische Analysen von Leitbildern, Metaphern und anderen kollektiven Orientierungsmustern [Meaning Formulas. Linguistic and Sociological Analysis of Models, Metaphors and Other Collective Patterns of Orientation] Kara M. Strobel (Canada): After the Aftermath. A Reply to Wolff-Michael Roth's Review of Harry F. Wolcott's "Sneaky Kid and Its Aftermath" published in FQS 5(1) Wayne Thexton (UK): Review, Birgitta Qvarsell & Christoph Wulf (Eds.) (2003). Culture and Education. European Studies in Education (Volume 16) Nicole Westmarland (UK): Review, Lesley Noaks & Emma Wincup (2004). Criminological Research-Understanding Qualitative Methods / Mark R. Pogrebin (Ed.) (2003). Qualitative Approaches to Criminal Justice-Perspectives from the Field B) BOOK REVIEWERS NEEDED Please contact Guenter Mey ( if you are interested to review one of the following books for FQS. Pls. check the "Information on Reviewing Media Units" ( first. 1. Heather D'Cruz & Martyn Jones (2004). Social Working Research. London: Sage, 196 pages 2. Carolyn Ellis (2004). The Ethographic I. A Methodological Novel about Autoethnography. Walnut Creek: AltaMira, 428 pages 3. Leo Guertler, Mechthild Kiegelmann & Guenter L. Huber (Eds.) (2005). Areas of Qualitative Psychology. Special Focus on Design. Tuebingen: Ingeborg Huber, 294 pages 4. Yasmin Gunaratnam (2004). Researching 'Race' and Ethnicity. London: Sage, 218 pages 5. Dennis Howitt & Duncan Cramer (2005). Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology. Harlow: Pearson, 354 pages 6. Mechthild Kiegelmann (Ed.) (2002). The Role of the Researcher in Qualitative Psychology. Tuebingen: Ingeborg Huber, 230 pages 7. Lesa Lockford (2005). Performing Femininity: Rewriting, Gender, Identity. Walnet Creek: AltaMira, 174 pages 8. Keith F. Punch (2005). Introduction to Social Research. Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. London: Sage, 320 pages 9. Lyn Richards (2005). Handling Qualitative Data. A Practical Guide. London: Sage, 207 pages 10. Laurel Richardson & Ernest Lockridge (2004). Travel with Ernest. Crossing the Literary/Sociological Divide. London: AltaMira, 260 pages 11. Johnny Saldana (Ed.) (2005). Ethnodrama. An Anthology of Reality Theatre. London: AltaMira, 230 pages 12. John F. Schostak (2002). Understanding, Designing and Conducting Qualitative Research in Education. Buckigham: Open University Press, 250 pages 13. Ming-sum Tsui (2005). Social Work Supervision. Contexts and Concepts. London: Sage, 178 pages 14. Harry F. Wolcott (2005). The Art of Fieldwork (2nd edition). Walnet Creek: AltaMira, 290 pages 15. Robin Wooffitt (2005). Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis. A Comparative and Critical Introduction. London: Sage, 234 pages C) CONFERENCES 3-4 November, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Alpes, Grenoble, Canada Symposium "Secondary Analysis in Qualitative Research. Utopia and Perspectives" (PDF file, 131 KB; see additionally the Preliminary program at PDF file, 328 KB) 28-30 December, Punjabi University Patiala, India 20th International Conference GATS and Globalization of Education, organized by AIAER (All India Association for Educational Research) See (English) and (German) for additional Conference Announcements. D) OPEN ACCESS NEWS June SPARC Open Access Newsletter: July SPARC Open Access Newsletter: New free Database of Documents Written in the First Person Research Councils UK: RCUK Position Statement on Access to Research Outputs see additionally: - Donald MacLeod: Research councils back free online access, The Guardian, June 29, 2005.,3605,1517384,00.html - Richard Wray: Funding aid for open access, The Guardian, June 29, 2005.,9865,1517116,00.html The Association of Swedish Higher Education has taken the Berlin3 recommendations Canadian Library Association: Resolution on Open Access The PLEIADI Project ("Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana su Archivi aperti e Depositi Istituzionali", a portal for Italian scholarly e-literature in open archives and institutional repositories,> Texts: Open Access journals get impressive impact factors. Journals published by BioMed Central get new impact factors from ISI* Charles W. Bailey, Jr. (2005). Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Bibliography De Beer, Jennifer A. (2005) Open Access scholarly communication in South Africa: current status, significance, and the role for National Information Policy in the National System of Innovation. Masters thesis, Department of Information Science, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Ari Friedman has launched, a wiki designed to help faculty understand self-archiving and start doing it. Because it's a wiki, you can revise and enlarge it. Harnad, S. (2005) The Green and Gold Roads to Maximizing Journal Article Access, Usage and Impact Haworth Press, July 1, 2005 Hess, C.: A Resource Guide for Authors: Open Access, Copyright, and the Digital Commons, The Common Property Resource Digest, March 2005, pp. 1-8. Swan, A. & Brown, S. (2005). Open access self-archiving: An author study. Technical Report, External Collaborators, JISC, HEFCE Open access journals/newsletter: - Demographic Research, new articles: - ephemera: theory & politics in organization, new issue: - International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Volume 6(2): - M/C (Media and Culture), Volume 8(3): - Organdi Quarterly, CfP: - STI Studies, new journal: - Sociological Research Online, Volume 10(2): --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: