Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A) Reprint of selected contributions from FQS in the HSR Special Issue "Qualitative Social Research" B) Articles, published in March 2005 C) Conferences D) Open Access News Enjoy reading! Katja Mruck FQS-Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) REPRINT OF SELECTED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM FQS IN THE HSR SPECIAL ISSUE 30(1) "QUALITATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH" Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR, and FQS started to collaborate in 2001. The text "On the Compatibility between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods" by Nigel Fielding & Margrit Schreier, originally published in FQS 2(1) (, was the first reprint, and many others followed. This partnership is especially worth mentioning as it also stands for the effort to close the gap between qualitative and quantitative methods, as FQS is explicitly dedicated to qualitative research, HSR is the Official Journal of QUANTUM (Association for Quantification and Methods in Historical and Social Research) and INTERQUANT (International Commission of the Application of Quantitative Methods in History). HSR 30(1) contains selected reprints from 14 texts (German and English), originally published in FQS between 2000 and 2005. Title: Qualitative Social Research - Methodological Reflections and Disciplinary Applications: Selected Contributions from the Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research / Qualitative Sozialforschung Methodologische Reflexionen und disziplinaere Anwendungen: Ausgewaehlte Aufsaetze aus dem Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research Editors: Guenter Mey & Katja Mruck Co-Editors: Franz Breuer, Cesar Cisneros Puebla, Robert Faux, Kip Jones, Jo Reichertz & Wolff-Michael Roth Authors: Malcolm Ashmore, Jarg Bergold, Toni A. Gregory, Udo Kelle, Angela Keppler, Zdenek Konopasek, Zuzana Kusa, Ernst Langthaler, Guenter Mey, Katja Mruck, Darren Reed, Jo Reichertz, Wolff-Michael Roth, Mike Savage, Helmar Schoene, Odis E. Simmons, Paul ten Have, Joerg Thiele 336 pages, 10 EUR for subscribers of the FQS newsletter (price includes delivery). Your order should be directed to: Central Archive for Empirical Social Research ZHSF - Centre for Historical Social Research Liliencronstr. 6, 50931 Cologne, Germany E-mail: Phone: ++49 221 476 94-96 oder -34 Fax ++49 221 476 94-55 B) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FQS IN MARCH 2005 Gonzalo Bacigalupe (USA): Focus Group Practices: Studying Conversation. Review Essay, Claudia Puchta & Jonathan Potter (2004). Focus Group Practice Katharina Gajdukowa (Germany): Review Note, Christof Beyer (2004). Der Erfurter Amoklauf in der Presse. Unerklaerlichkeit und die Macht der Erklaerung: Eine Diskusanalyse anhand zweier ausgewaehlter Beispiele [The Erfurt Amok Run in the Print Press. Inexplicability and the Power of Explication: A Discourse Analysis of two Selected Examples] Mary Gergen (USA): Review Note, Stephen John Hartnett (2003). Incarceration Nation: Investigative Prison Poems of Hope and Terror Carlos Koelbl (Germany): Review Note, Wilhelm Kempf (2003). Forschungsmethoden der Psychologie. Zwischen naturwissenschaftlichem Experiment und sozialwissenschaftlicher Hermeneutik. Band 1: Theorie und Empirie [Methods of Psychology. Between Scientific Experiment and Social Science Hermeneutics. Volume 1: Theory and Empiricism] Sina Lucia Kottmann (Germany): Karl Schloegel Reads Time in Space: Tracing Old Paths towards New Horizons. Review Essay, Karl Schloegel (2003). Im Raume lesen wir die Zeit. Ueber Zivilisationsgeschichte und Geopolitik [In Space We Read Time. About the History of Civilization and Geopolitics] Ralf Ottermann (Germany): Qualitative Research on Prostitution in the Early '80s' Red-light Districts of Vienna. Review Essay, Roland Girtler (2004). Der Strich. Soziologie eines Milieus [Prostitution. Sociology of a Social Milieu] Jaan Valsiner (USA): Review Note, Michael D. Myers & David Avison (Eds.) (2002). Qualitative Research in Information Systems Till Westermayer (Germany): Review Note, Stefan Boeschen & Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer (Eds.) (2003). Wissenschaft in der Wissensgesellschaft [Science in a Knowledge Society] C) CONFERENCES May 20-21, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal I. Congreso Internacional sobre Etnografía (1st International Congress of Ethnography), organized by AGIR (Asociación para la investigación y desarrollo sociocultural [Association for the Research and Social-Cultural Development]) June 3-4, Cedarville University, OH, USA 17th Annual Conference on Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education (EQRE); CfP: (PDF file, 33 KB) June 22-24, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, USA 11th Midwest Qualitative Research Conference June 22-25, Madrid, Spain II Iberoamerican Congress of Qualitative Health Research July 11-12, Homerton School of Health Studies, Cambridge, UK Mixed Methods in Health and Social Care Conference 2005 August 10-13, Bournemouth University, UK 24th International Human Sciences Conference September 8-20, 2006, Musikhuset Esbjerg, Centre for the Performing Arts and International Conferences Artabilitation 2006, International Conference Series on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies See (English) and (German) for additional Conference Announcements. D) OPEN ACCESS NEWS The March SPARC Open Access Newsletter is available online at CERN (Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire) and CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) adopted and registered their Open Access Policy; see for the Registry of Institutional OA Self-Archiving Policies, to register your own institution's self-archiving policy. INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) will launch an Open Archive dedicated to its scientific publications in April: A Scottish Declaration on Open Access has been published, see and additionally "Scottish universities sign open access deal" (Guardian, March 14) at,10577,1437377,00.html. Conferences/Workshops: April 6, UMB School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD, USA Web cast "Ownership and Access in Scholarly Publishing" April 8, London, UK ALPSP International Learned Journals Seminar: "The Web and after: the future of scholarly e-publishing" April 14-15, Lund University Libraries, Sweden Joint Workshop on Electronic Publishing April 29-May 1, University of Maryland, USA 2nd Digital Archives for Science & Engineering Resources Summit DASER-2: May 17-19, St. Petersburg, Russia International Conference "UNESCO between two Phases of the World Summit on the Information Society" September 28-30, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia "ETD2005: ... evolution through discovery: 8th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations" Papers etc.: Videos and presentations for "Berlin 3 Open Access: Progress in Implementing the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities", organized by the University of Southampton, UK in February 2005 Selected Papers, 21st International Literature and Psychology Conference Workshop Proceedings of the Open Access Scholarly Communication Workshop, organized in February 2005 by the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Michael Day, Institutional repositories and research assessment (PDF file, 229 KB) Kimmo Kuusela: Finland adopts official open access (PDF file, 2,5 MB) Swan, Alma & Brown, Sheridan: Authors and open access publishing. Learned Publishing 17(3), 219-224. Swan, Alma & Brown, Sheridan (2004) JISC/OSI Journal Authors Survey Report. JISC Report. Swan, Alma et al.: Developing a model for e-prints and open access journal content in UK further and higher education. Learned Publishing 18(1), 25-40. Swan, Alma et al: Delivery, Management and Access Model for E-prints and Open Access Journals within Further and Higher Education. JISC Report. Early Modern texts: Accessible versions of the writings of some early modern philosophers, edited by a leading philosopher, Jonathan Bennett: Berkeley, Descartes, Hobbes, Hume, Kant, Leibniz, Malebranche, Reid, Spinoza Journals/Newsletter: - Demographic Research 12: - First Monday 10(3): - Foucault Studies (new): - Journal of Research Practice (new): - M/C - Media and Culture 8(1): - RCCS, Reviews March: - The International Scope Review 6(11): -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access News: