Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A) Articles, Published in FQS -- in former FQS issues, now available in additional languages -- in November 2006 B) Inside FQSNew Project: "German Online Information Portal On Open Access Issues", funded by the German Science Foundation
C) Conferences and Workshops D) Links E) Open Access News Enjoy reading! Katja Mruck ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FQS -- FROM FORMER FQS ISSUESThanks to David López, another text -- originally only published in FQS 6(2) in the English language -- is now also available in Spanish:
Participant Observation as a Data Collection Method La observación participante como método de recolección de datos -- IN NOVEMBER 2006Lisa Cone (USA): Resilience in Russian Immigrant Stories: An Alternative to Deficiency Models. Review Essay: Dennis Shasha & Marina Shron (2002). Red Blues: Voices from the Last Wave of Russian Immigrants Fein (Germany) & Marie-laure Florea (France): Interiors and Exteriors in Discourse Analysis and the Sociology of Science. Conference Essay: Discourse Analysis in Germany and France: Recent Developments in Linguistics and the Social Sciences Gross (Germany): Review, Niels C. Taubert (2006). Produktive Anarchie? Netzwerke freier Softwareentwicklung [Productive Anarchy? Networks of Open Source Software Development] Merlino & Alejandra Martínez (Argentina): Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Building and Interpreting Clusters from Grounded Theory and Discourse Analysis Pirker (Germany): Review, Angela Kaupp (2005). Junge Frauen erzaehlen ihre Glaubensgeschichte. Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie zur Rekonstruktion der narrativen religioesen Identitaet katholischer junger Frauen [Young Women Tell Their Story of Faith. A Qualitative-empirical Study on Reconstructing the Narrative Religious Identity of Young Catholic Women] Rangosch-Schneck (Germany): "... There's so much going on unspoken in the back of the mind ..." -- The Use of Repertory Grid Technique as a Qualitative Heuristic Research Design to Understand Teachers' Perceptions of Parents Rost (Germany): Review, Verena Dreissig (2005). Interkulturelle Kommunikation im Krankenhaus. Eine Studie zur Interaktion zwischen Klinikpersonal und Patienten mit Migrationshintergrund [Intercultural Communication in the Hospital. A Study of Hospital Staff Interaction with Migrant Patients] B) INSIDE FQS -- New Project: "German Online Information Portal On Open Access Issues"Since September 2006 the German Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) funds the implementation of a nation-wide online information portal on Open Access issues that is operated cooperatively by the Universities of Bielefeld, Goettingen, Constance and the Freie Universitaet Berlin, with support from DINI (German Initiative for Networked Information). The platform is intended to inform scientists, their professional societies, university administrations and the interested public comprehensively on objectives and use of Open Access, and support them with practical assistance on its implementation in practice.
Open Access Publications are conceived as scientific publications that are worldwide freely available on the Internet. The Open Access Movement's objective is the better utilisation of this form of publication in order to maximise the diffusion and usage of scientific knowledge. As recent studies demonstrate (, the reception of Open Access publications generally is already several times higher than that of traditional publications behind cost barriers. For individual authors as well as their institutions, this translates into a significantly better "visibility" within the international scientific community. The signing of the "Berlin Declaration on open access to scientific knowledge" ( by numerous national and international science organisations and funding bodies and a growing number of Universities underlines the importance for Open Access for Science Policy in general.
A DFG survey on author's experiences with Open Access ( showed that open access publication opportunities are still underutilized, but found much willingness to actively further Open Access in Germany. Therefore the DFG, as a cosignatory of the "Berlin Declaration", like many other national funding organisations, strongly encourages all project investigators to publish in refereed Open Access journals or to make available digital copies of their work on Open Access servers.
Until now Information on Open Access is largely produced in an uncoordinated way and is mostly scattered widely throughout the Internet, much of it is dependent upon the local personal commitment of individuals. This fact is largely responsible for the discrepancy between the growing international significance of Open Access on one hand and the comparatively small publicity and little practice with German scientists on the other hand.
The new information portal sets out to counter this development in Germany. The offer addresses primarily scientific authors, university administrations and scholarly societies. Current deficits in information and use within the German Higher Education Landscape are sought to be removed by the concise presentation of relevant information on open access issues targeted to specific audiences. The information platform will also concentrate on concrete recommendations for action, know how and argumentation aids as well as the sharing of practical experience and all sort of information materials on Open Access. C) CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS Bournemouth University, UK18-19 January, Masterclass "The Ambit of Biographical Research", presented by Robert Miller 22-23 March, Masterclass "Systematic Review and Synthesis of Qualitative Research", presented by Margarete Sandelowski (PDF, 96 KB)
16-18 February, Bildungszentrum Erkner, Berlin, GermanyMeeting "Qualitative Approaches in the Field of Psychology", organized by Center for Qualitative Psychology, University of Tuebingen, Germany 24-25 March, Shanghai, China The 2nd Grounded Theory Methodology Trouble-shooting Seminar in China 13-14 April, Vila Nova de Sto Andre, Portugal International Conference "Advances in Tourism Economics" 18-20 April, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK CAQDAS 07 Conference "Advances in Qualitative Computing" 3-16 June, Rovereto, ItalyIHSRC 2007 International Human Science Research Conference "New frontiers of phenomenology. Beyond postmodernism in empirical research" 3-5 September, PJ Hilton, Malaysia4th International Qualitative Research Convention "Doing Qualitative Research: Processes, Issues and Challenges", Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia 3-6 September, Glasgow, ScotlandCfP "Using Qualitative Research: The Relevance and Applicability of Micro Methods", ESA RN Qualitative Methods (English) and (German) for additional Conference Announcements.
D) LINKSJob Opportunities for Ethnographic Researchers: Swiss-based SolutionSync GmbH, an internationally recognized consumer research firm that helps companies create meaningful ideas, designs and experiences that consumers and customers crave, has an opening for ethnographic researchers. The positions are based in Switzerland and Germany. Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section, British Psychological Association Training Messenger On International Migration, Ethnicity and Social Cohesion
New Thematic Guide on Youth Culture, ESDS Qualidata CAQDAS Networking Project: Updates and new workshops with vacancies Howard: Oral History Under Review, Chronicle of Higfher Education, Nov 10 Report "Social Sciences in Europe", new edition (PDF, 620 KB)European Education Policy Network: Gateway to Research into European Policy on Education Foucault versus Chomsky debate LIVE on youtube Praat version 4.5 (Doing Phonetics by Computer) E) OPEN ACCESS NEWS November SPARC Open Access Newsletter Online Access to Research in the Environment Manchester Metropolitan University's institutional open access repository New Zurich Open Repository and Archive Report of the Task Force on Open Access publishing in Particle physics Conferences 11-14, Stockholm 2007 Annual IATUL Conference "Global Access to Science" 11-13 July, Vancouver First International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference and a "National Open Access Policy for Developing Countries" available from the
Workshop on Electronic Publishing and Open Access, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2-3 November 2006 TextsArmbruster, Chris (2006): Cyberscience and the Knowledge-based Economy, Open Access and Trade Publishing: From Contradiction to Compatibility with Nonexclusive Copyright Licensing, Stevan (2006): Promoting open access to research, The Hindu, Online edition of India's National Newspaper, Nov 01, 2006, Stevan (2006): Research Journals Are Already Just Quality Controllers and Certifiers: So What Are "Overlay Journals"?, Siân (2006): Open Access Helps When Disciplines Overlap. Interview with Mark Cassarabout open access, new technologies and why a physics publisher is interested in biology Journals/Newsletters Directory of Open Access Journals: CEU Political Science Journal. The Graduate Student Review, 4 Chinese Medicine, new ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 6(3) First Monday, 11(11) Living Reviews in European Governance M/C -- Media and Culture, 9(5) Studies in Language and Capitalism, new Surveillance & Society, 4(1/2) --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish ->