Dear All,We are pleased to announce a special issue on Performative Social Science, edited by Mary Gergen, Kip Jones, Brian Roberts, Irene Lopez de Vallejo, Peter Wright and John J. Guiney Yallop, and to be published in FQS in May 2008.
Photography, music, dance, poetry, video installations, dramatic monologues and theatrical performances have recently been added to the qualitative researcher's toolbox and "performative" -- in the widest sense of the word -- has become a "working title" for the dissemination efforts of researchers wanting to enhance, or even move beyond, PowerPoint conference presentations or traditional journals. Those engaging in this new "performative social science" are developing arts-based research methods and dissemination techniques in order to both investigate deeper and reach wider audiences.
FQS 9(2) will establish a foundational reference for the performative turn in social science by bringing thoughtful reflections on and manifestations of Performative Social Science to the readership of FQS. The special issue welcomes experimental pieces, particularly within the possibilities offered by a web-based journal such as FQS. Any special needs (embedded video, etc.) or contributions that move the issue beyond the normal constraints and layouts of paper-based journals are welcome.
Please see the online Call for Abstracts for more information and how to submit and/or discuss ideas for contributions:
- (English) - (German) - (Spanish) All the best, Katja Mruck --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish ->