Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A. Articles, published in FQS in August 2008 B. Inside FQS C. Conferences and Workshops D. Open Access News Enjoy reading! Katja Mruck ----------- A) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FQS IN AUGUST 2008Asaf, Merav; Shachar, Rakefet; Tohar, Vered & Kainan, Anat (Israel). From Superteacher to a Super Teacher: The Career Development of Teacher Educators, Sabrina (Germany). Review Essay: Two Sides of a Methodological Coin?; Kathryn K. & Lahman, Maria K.E. (USA). Methodological Considerations for Conducting Qualitative Interviews with Youth Receiving Mental Health Services, Monika & Klebl, Michael (Germany). Triangulation of Qualitative Methods for the Exploration of Activity Systems in Ergonomics, Benno (Spain). Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science. Provisional Reflections, Gerhard (Germany). Review: Doris Lemmermoehle, Stefanie Grosse, Antje Schellack & Renate Putschbach (2006). Passagen und Passantinnen. Biographisches Lernen junger Frauen [Rites of Passage and Those Who Pass: A Longitudinaly Study of the Biographical Learning of Young Women], Beate (Austria). Interviews with the Elite and with Experts. Are There Any Differences?, Brian (USA). Identity Presentation: The Construction of Identity in Asynchronous Discussion, Lisa (Germany). Review: Anne Waldschmidt & Werner Schneider (Eds.) (2007). Disability Studies, Kultursoziologie und Soziologie der Behinderung [Disability Studies, Cultural Sociology and the Sociology of Disability: Explorations of a New Research Field], Werner (Germany). Review: Promotionskolleg "Kinder und Kindheiten im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Modernisierung" (Ed.) (2006). Kinderwelten und institutionelle Arrangements [Children's Worlds and Institutional Settings—The Modernization of Childhood], Shalva (Israel), Eberle, Thomas S. (Switzerland) & Flick, Uwe (Germany). Between Reflexivity and Consolidation—Qualitative Research in the Mirror of Handbooks. Book Review Symposium Wenninger, Andreas (Germany). Review Essay: Controlled Openness B) INSIDE FQS** Now all former issues and articles are available within the new publishing environment, see
** Book reviewers needed for new books on general qualitative research issues and special disciplinary view.
Please contact Guenter Mey ( if you are interested to review one of the following books for FQS. Pls. check first (!) the information on "Review of Media Units": FQS is interested in detailed book reviews. And please have in mind that the reviews are expected in time (6 months after the reviewer received the book).
Roger Sapsford & Victor Jupp (2006). Data Collection and Analysis (2nd. Ed.) (London: Sage, 332 pages)
Pat Bazely (2007). Qualitative Data Analysis with Nvivo (London: Sage, 217 pages)
Ann Lewins & Christina Silver (2007). Using Software in Qualitative Research. A Step-by-Step Guide (London: Sage, 288 pages)
Linda Dale Bloomberg & Marie F. Volpe (2008). Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation. A Roadmap From Beginning to End (London: Sage, 264 pages)
Erica Burman (2007). Deconstructing Developmental Psychology (2nd ed.) (East Sussex: Routledge, 356 pages)
Norman K. Denzin & Yvonna S. Lincoln (Eds.) (2008). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry (London: Sage)
Chris Hahn (2008). Doing Qualitative Research Using Your Computer. A Practical Guide. (London: Sage, 232 pages)
Catherine Kholer Riessman (2007). Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (London: Sage, 264 pages)
Jonathan A Smith (Ed.) (2008). Qualitative Psychology. A Practical Guide to Research Methods (2nd ed.) (London: Sage, 288 pages)
Peter L. Twohlig & Vera Kalitzikus (Eds.) (2008). Social Studies of Health, Illness and Disease. Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
See for additional books.
C) CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 9-11 October 2008, Goettingen-Tiefenbrunn, Germany5th Annual Conference Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy: "The Business of Interpretation" (English) and (German) and (Spanish) for additional conference announcements.
D) OPEN ACCESS NEWS August SPARC Open Access Newsletter The European Commission launches an open access pilot Directory of Open Access Journals ----------- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English / German / Spanish