Dear All,I would like to let you know that FQS 9(2) "Performative Social Science" has been published. As there are some substantial changes concerning the complete FQS site, please read the following information very carefully.
1. New Special Issue "Performative Social Science" 2. New Publishing System and New Design 3. New Citation Policy for FQS Articles 4. Newsletter 5. The Next StepsImportant: Dependent from your local provider it is possible that it will need a bit until you will be able to access the "new FQS"; this is the case if you receive a "Multiple Choice" message while trying to access one of the URLs mentioned below. Just try it again some hours later, please.
1. New Special Issue "Performative Social Science"FQS 9(2) -- --, edited by Kip Jones (Special Issue Editor) and Mary Gergen, John J. Guiney Yallop, Irene Lopez de Vallejo, Brian Roberts and Peter Wright (Co-Editors), deals with topics and methods with which, until now, social scientists have hardly been familiar. Photography, music, dance, poetry, video installations, dramatic monologues and theatrical performances have recently been added to the qualitative researcher's toolbox and "performative" -- in the widest sense of the word -- has become a "working title" for the dissemination efforts of researchers wanting to enhance, or even move beyond, PowerPoint conference presentations or traditional journals. Those engaging in this new "performative social science" are often changing these boundaries or pushing beyond them. These qualitative investigators are courageously developing arts-based research methods and dissemination techniques in order to both investigate deeper and reach wider audiences. This is good news, not only for participants in research studies, who can often be involved in producing subsequent performative presentations, but also for the larger community to whom findings should be directed.
In FQS 9(2), more than 40 articles deal with "Performative Social Science"; additionally the issue contains selected single contributions and contributions, belonging to the sections FQS Debates, FQS Reviews and FQS Conferences: It is our hope that this new issue will bring some inspiration for your daily work!
We would like to thank the editors and the authors of FQS 9(2) and especially Kip Jones for his important pioneering work in the field of international (performative) social science. In our case and within the challenges of a performative zeitgeist, it has meant for FQS that we have learned to "walk" and "talk" along with this new approach. From now on, videos and audios will part of our everyday work.
2. New Publishing System and New DesignFrom this Issue on, we are using the journal management and publishing system, "Open Journal Systems" (OJS, We decided on OJS because of several reasons:
-- So called "metadata", now available for each article, allows convenient searches for authors, article titles, etc. (see e.g., Additionally, by using the metadata, FQS articles will also be retrievable from other sites such as the Directory of Open Access Journals, for example. This will help to further increase the visibility of our authors and their articles. (This will be done after some final work has been realized, see Section 5.)
-- OJS is databank-based, so content is generated dynamically while accessing a side. One example for an advantage is that instead of creating lists of book reviews already published in FQS manually in three languages, now you can access the latest versions by one click, see Using databanks has also some consequences for the URLs and the web addresses you used until now for citing articles (see Section 3).
-- OJS is an open-source software, developed by the Canadian Public Knowledge Project. As OJS is the most prominent online-journal system (used by more than 1,400 journals currently), there is a strong community of developers all over the world working on future improvements of OJS. For example, the possibility of switching between different languages has been programmed by Bozana Bokan, a member of our team, and is now available for all other journals using OJS. Currently colleagues in other countries are working on open peer review facilities for OJS, which will be included in a new release that we might also use for FQS, along with the traditional review routines (double blind review etc.).
-- Submission of articles and the complete journal and publication management can be organized online.
3. New Citation Policy for FQS ArticlesOne consequence of the FQS relaunch is that URLs that you used to cite articles are now changed to URNs (Uniform Resource Name -- so called persistent identifiers like the DOI some of you might know). The correct URN is mentioned in the citation section at the end of the respective article, e.g., "urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0802437" for the article below:
--- CitationGergen, Mary & Jones, Kip (2008). Editorial: A Conversation about Performative Social Science [46 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(2), Art. 43,
---As URNs (like DOI) cannot be used directly in a web browser to access an article, you need to use the complete address ( (as illustrated in the example above) to access an article.
4. NewsletterWe will continue to use this newsletter in the future (currently distributed to more than 8,600 colleagues worldwide). Nevertheless, we recommend that you register at to use additional reading tools for informing colleagues about articles, access different styles for citing FQS articles in other publications, etc.
5. The Next StepsAt the present time, ten issues (437 articles) are available at the new site and in the new design; issues 1(1) to 6(2) will follow successively. All "old" URLs that you use to cite FQS articles will continue to work, but from now and in the future, they will be redirected and point to the new version of the article as soon as it had been migrated to OJS.
To revise a project like FQS has meant an enormous effort for all involved. We would like to thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) and the Center für Digitale Systeme of the Freie Universitaet for their continued appreciation and support of our work!
Like any changes, ours certainly caused mistakes: any comments or questions are welcome!
Katja Mruck -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Dr. Katja Mruck Freie Universitaet Berlin Center fuer Digitale Systeme (CeDiS) Ihnestr. 24 D - 14195 Berlin E-mail: Phone: ++49 (0)30 838 - 52 779 (off.) ++49 (0)30 791 54 31 (priv.) Fax: ++49 (0)30 838 - 52 843