Dear All,I would like to inform you about the following Call for Papers for FQS 10(1), to be published in January 2009:
FQS 10(1): Qualitative Research on Intercultural Communication. Methods and Perspectives in Social Sciences, Cultural Studies and Education
Editors: Jens Allwood (University of Goeteborg), Assumpta Aneas Alvarez (University of Barcelona), Dominic Busch (Europa University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder), David Hoffman (University of Jyvaeskylae), Matthias Otten (University Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau), Michele Schweisfurth (University of Birmingham).
Guiding questions about approaches to intercultural communication in qualitative research, to be addressed in the special issue:
-- Which classical qualitative research methods seem preferred for the empirical investigation of intercultural communication, and how are these methods legitimated, founded theoretically and adjusted to intercultural phenomena?
-- How is culture conceptualised/manifested in the application of a qualitative research method?
-- How are mixed methods and interdisciplinary approaches applied in intercultural communication research?
-- How can researchers anticipate and reflect the cultural bias of their theoretical concepts, field access, instruments, interpretation and data presentation throughout the research process?
-- How can the relatively young research field of intercultural communication be systemised and mapped on the background of classical approaches of qualitative social research?
More information about the background of the issue, conceptual aspects, guidelines, the time schedule and contact details are available online at:
English: Spanish: German: editors of FQS 10(1) are looking forward to your expressions of interest and abstracts!
Katja Mruck -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Spanish -> Social Science Open Access Repository: