Dear All,I would like to inform you that FQS 9(3) -- "Visual Methods" (, edited by Hubert Knoblauch, Alejandro Baer, Eric Laurier, Sabine Petschke & Bernt Schnettler -- is available online (see for former issues). In addition to articles relating to "Visual Methods", FQS 9(3) provides a number of selected single contributions, a contribution belonging to the FQS Debate on Teaching and Learning Qualitative Methods, as well as articles belonging to FQS Reviews and FQS Conferences.
A) FQS 9(3) Visual Methods B) From Our Readers C) Conferences and Workshops D) Grants & Funding E) Open Access News Enjoy reading! Katja Mruck ---------------------------- A) FQS 9(1) "VISUAL METHODS" Hubert Knoblauch (Germany), Alejandro Baer (Spain), Eric Laurier (UK),Sabine Petschke & Bernt Schnettler (Germany). Visual Analysis. New Developments in the Interpretative Analysis of Video and Photography Bohnsack (Germany). The Interpretation of Pictures and the Documentary Method B. Christmann (Germany). The Power of Photographs of Buildings in the Dresden Urban Discourse. Towards a Visual Discourse Analysis Ferrandiz & Alejandro Baer (Spain). Digital Memory: The Visual Recording of Mass Grave Exhumations in Contemporary Spain Fele (Italy). The Collaborative Production of Responses and Dispatching on the Radio: Video Analysis in a Medical Emergency Call Centre urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0803408 John Grady (UK). Visual Research at the Crossroads Greiffenhagen (UK). Video Analysis of Mathematical Practice? Different Attempts to "Open Up" Mathematics for Sociological Investigation Holzwarth (Switzerland) & Horst Niesyto (Germany). Representational and Discursive Self-expression of Young Migrants in the Context of Different (Media) Cultural Resources Neil Jenkings, Rachel Woodward & Trish Winter (UK). The Emergent Production of Analysis in Photo Elicitation: Pictures of Military Identity Kaczmarek (Poland). Sociological Film -- Theoretical and Practical Aspects Kolb (Austria). Involving, Sharing, Analysing -- Potential of the Participatory Photo Interview Konecki (Poland). Touching and Gesture Exchange as an Element of Emotional Bond Construction. Application of Visual Sociology in the Research on Interaction between Humans and Animals Laurier, Ignaz Strebel (UK) & Barry Brown (USA). Video Analysis: Lessons from Professional Video Editing Practice Mondada (France). Using Video for a Sequential and Multimodal Analysis of Social Interaction: Videotaping Institutional Telephone Calls Pernack (Germany). New Social Forms of Knowledge Communication─A Videographic Project Pink (UK).Mobilising Visual Ethnography: Making Routes, Making Place and Making Images Roehl & Regine Herbrik (Germany). Mapping the Imaginary -- Maps in Fantasy Role-Playing Games Schnettler (Germany) & Juergen Raab (Switzerland). Interpretative Visual Analysis. Developments, State of the Art and Pending Problems ---> Single ContributionsMerav Asaf, Rakefet Shachar, Vered Tohar & Anat Kainan (Israel). From Superteacher to a Super Teacher: The Career Development of Teacher Educators K. DeRoche & Maria K.E. Lahman (USA). Methodological Considerations for Conducting Qualitative Interviews with Youth Receiving Mental Health Services Jochen Fahrenberg (Germany). Wilhelm WUNDT's Theory of Interpretation Hackel &Michael Klebl (Germany). Triangulation of Qualitative Methods for the Exploration of Activity Systems in Ergonomics Littig (Austria). Interviews with the Elite and with Experts. Are There Any Differences? Morgan (USA). Identity Presentation: The Construction of Identity in Asynchronous Discussion Yardley (Australia): Living Stories: The Role of the Researcher in the Narration of Life ---> FQS Debate: Teaching and Learning Qualitative MethodsBenno Herzog (Spain). Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science. Provisional Reflections ---> FQS ReviewsLaura C. Behrmann (Germany): Review: Birgit Griese & Hedwig Rosa Griesehop (2007). Biographische Fallarbeit. Theorie, Methode und Praxisrelevanz [A Biographical Approach to Casework: Theory, Method and Practical Relevance] Bischkopf (Germany): Review: Udo Kelle (2007). Die Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden in der empirischen Sozialforschung [Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Empirical Social Research: Theoretical Foundations and Methodological Concepts] Boehmer (Germany). Review Essay: Two Sides of a Methodological Coin? Ciragan & Sandra Da Rin (Switzerland): Review: Elfriede Loechel & Insa Haertel (Eds.) (2006). Verwicklungen. Psychoanalyse und Wissenschaft [Entanglements. Psychoanalysis and Science] Hemmingson (USA): Review Essay: Auto/Ethnography and Tinsel Town: Nathaniel Kohn's Pursuing Hollywood and How it Relates to My Own Experiences Chasing the Dream of Creating Culture Through Cinema Jost (Germany). Review: Doris Lemmermoehle, Stefanie Grosse, Antje Schellack & Renate Putschbach (2006). Passagen und Passantinnen. Biographisches Lernen junger Frauen [Rites of Passage and Those Who Pass: A Longitudinaly Study of the Biographical Learning of Young Women] Marti (Spain): Review Essay: From Local Practices to Public Knowledge: Action Research as Scientific Contribution Pfahl (Germany). Review: Anne Waldschmidt & Werner Schneider (Eds.) (2007). Disability Studies, Kultursoziologie und Soziologie der Behinderung [Disability Studies, Cultural Sociology and the Sociology of Disability: Explorations of a New Research Field] Reichertz (Germany): Review: Rafael Behr (2006). Polizeikultur. Routinen -- Rituale -- Reflexionen. Bausteine zu einer Theorie der Praxis der Polizei [Police Culture: Routines -- Rituals -- Reflexions. Elements of a Theory of Practice of the Police] Reichmann (Germany). Review: Promotionskolleg "Kinder und Kindheiten im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Modernisierung" (Ed.) (2006). Kinderwelten und institutionelle Arrangements [Children's Worlds and Institutional Settings -- The Modernization of Childhood] Rupnow (Austria): Review: Hannes Heer, Walter Manoschek, Alexander Pollak & Ruth Wodak (2008). The Discursive Construction of History. Remembering the Wehrmacht's War of Annihilation Nunes Silva (Portugal): Review: Catherine Marshall & Gretchen B. Rossman (2006). Designing Qualitative Research Weil (Israel), Thomas S. Eberle (Switzerland) & Uwe Flick (Germany). Book Review Symposium: Between Reflexivity and Consolidation -- Qualitative Research in the Mirror of Handbooks. Andreas Wenninger (Germany). Review Essay: Controlled Openness ---> FQS ConferencesTaylor Adams (Germany) & Annette Ullrich (USA): Conference Report: Seventh Annual Meeting of the Center for Qualitative Psychology: Qualitative Research in the Changing Academic Context B) FROM OUR READERS"I am a PhD student from IULM University in Milan and I would be interested in visiting foreign research groups to see how they work on projects and also learning new research skills. I am interested in qualitative research methods applied to consumer behavior psychology. I don't need any economic support because I have it from my University. Autumn 2008 would be a good period for me to stay abroad before I start writing my dissertation.
Thank you very much for your help. Best regards, Luciana Castelli, Luciana.Castelli@iulm.itUniversità IULM, Istituto di Consumi, Comportamento e Comunicazione d'Impresa, Milano, Italy
C) CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 6-10 October 2008, Guayaquil, Ecuador III Congreso Ecuatoriano de antropologia y arqueologia 3-6 November 2008, Baja California, Mexico III Congreso internacional de sociologia 20-22 November 2008, Puebla, MexicoIV Congreso internacional de psicologia social: Reelaborando la psicologia social desde la pluralidad 24-28 November 2008, Mexico, D.F. II Congreso nacional de medicina social y salud colectiva 10-12 December 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina I Encuentro Latinoamericano de metodologia
16-20 February 2009, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico VII Congreso Centroamericano de antropologia 25-27 March 2009, Mar del Plata, Argentina Congreso Argentino y Latinoamericano de antropologia rural 10-12 June 2009, Roehampton University, UK3rd International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport & Exercise "Communicating Experiences" 8-11 July 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland6th biennial Conference "Critical Thinking in Health Psychology" of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology 29 September- 2 October 2009, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaVIII Reunion de Antropologia del Mercosur (RAM) "Diversidad y poder en America Latina" 4-8 July 2010, Mannheim, GermanyInternational Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA10) "Multimodal Interaction" (English) and (German) and (Spanish) for additional conference announcements.
D) GRANTS & FUNDING ---> Request for Research Proposals on Advanced German and European StudiesThe Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies offers up to one-year of research support at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. It is open to scholars in all social science and humanities disciplines, including historians working on modern and contemporary German and European history.
The program accepts applications from U.S. and Canadian nationals or permanent residents. Applicants for a dissertation fellowship must be full-time graduate students who have completed all coursework required for the Ph.D. and must have achieved ABD (all but dissertation) status by the time the proposed research stay in Berlin begins. Also eligible are U.S. and Canadian Ph.D.s who have received their doctorates within the past two calendar years. Awards provide between ten and twelve months of research support.
The Berlin Program is based at, funded and administered by the Freie Universitaet Berlin, one of the nation's leading research universities. The program's publicity and selection process is organized in cooperation with the German Studies Association (GSA).
Deadline: December 1, 2008; for more complete information and an application form, please visit our website at or send an e-mail to
---> Humboldt Foundation's TransCoop ProgrammeApplications for funding in the Humboldt Foundation's TransCoop Programme may be submitted until 31 October. Sponsorship is available for research collaborations between German, American and/or Canadian scholars in the humanities, social sciences, economics and law. More information at:
E) OPEN ACCESS NEWS September SPARC Open Access Newsletter An Open Letter to the U.S. Congress, Signed by 33 Nobel Prize Winners Access Directory, with Information and Links to Resources on Open Access Australian Innovation Report Recommends Open Access to Research Outputs
---> Conferences 14 October 2008 1st North American Open Access Day 8-10 July 2009, Vancouver, Canada 2nd International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference ---> TextsCharles W. Bailey, Jr.: Version 73 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography I. Browman & Konstantinos I. Stergiou (Eds.): Ethics In Science And Environmental Politics (ESEP) Theme Section: The Use And Misuse Of Bibliometric Indices In Evaluating Scholarly Performance Reid: Guide to Copyright and Repositories for Authors and Information Specialists ---> Journals/Newsletter Directory of Open Access Journals The Internet Protocol Journal, 11(2) Living Reviews in European Governance (LREG) Public Reason, new ----- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English / German / Spanish