Dear all,today only two news, concerning FQS and the Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR), another project we are involved in:
- During tomorrow, it will be possible to access FQS full texts (see for the tables of content), but for some hours registering, login, and online submission of new articles will not work because of software updates.
- Expand the visibility and reach of your work by making it available via SSOAR!
Scholarly literature which is freely accessible on the Internet has a high chance of being found and cited. This considerably enhances the visibility of authors, their institutions and publishers. Open-access publications are particularly suitable in this regard.
This common-sense principle applies both to primary publications which appear in open-access journals such as FQS and to publications which are self-archived in an open-access e-print repository in addition to being published in toll-access journals etc. -- Making documents accessible worldwide via a discipline-specific repository such as Social Science Open Access Repository ( is very easily done. And the benefits for both authors and readers are considerable.
Today, we would like to invite you, as FQS readers and authors, to make your documents available via SSOAR. By so doing, you will not only strengthen the spirit of Open Access but you will also increase the visibility of your scholarly output in the various scientific communities.
If you wish to make your documents available via a repository, there are a number of good reasons for choosing SSOAR:
- SSOAR is geared towards a scholarly audience in the social sciences wishing to search quality-controlled content across disciplinary boundaries and to access documents directly and free of charge. - SSOAR is an important resource for German, English and Spanish-speaking social scientists who wish to make documents freely accessible to the research community in order to increase the visibility and citation frequency of their research papers. - SSOAR offers unrestricted world-wide access to full texts – all with a standard browser. - Each document has an individual URN (Uniform Resource Name), thereby facilitating reliable referencing adhering to scientific standards. - Additional subject metadata ensures that documents can be sought and found easily. A simple Google search request suffices. - Cross-linking with other resources such as portals ( and disciplinary databases enlarges the searchable content. - SSOAR is networked within the growing Open Access community and guarantees technological innovativeness.
The document-deposit process comprises five easy steps which are explained intuitively here: General information on the advantages of self-archiving can be found on the following webpage:
If you have any questions relating to self-archiving, please contact Stefan Buddenbohm of the SSOAR team ( He will be happy to give you advice and to assist you with the deposit process.
All the best, Katja Mruck -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English / German / Spanish