Dear All,Today only a short information, concerning two projects FQS is involved in. The regular newsletter will follow end of November.
A. CfP FQS Special Issue "Methods for Qualitative Management Research" B. CfP Conference "Is Qualitative Data Analysis Software really comparable?" Wishing you a nice weekend! Katja Mruck This newsletter is sent to 11,661 registered readers. -----------------------------------------------------A) CfP FQS Special Issue "Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking"
Editors:Patricia Wolf (Switzerland), Jens Meissner (Switzerland), Terry Nolan (NZ), Mark Lemon (UK), Rene John (Germany), Evangelia Baralou (Greece), Silke Seemann (Austria)
The term "social systems," as applied in the title of this proposed special issue, is derived chiefly from the theoretical starting point propounded by Niklas LUHMANN. This call is intended to raise the profile of his work in the wider English speaking research community. His work on organizations as autopoietic social systems has only recently and partly been made available in English. Although there exists a broad but relatively exclusive German speaking scientific community using this theoretical approach for research, the theory is taking a relatively long amount of time to be acknowledged, developed, applied and critiqued in the English speaking research community.
However, some basic theoretical assumptions are reflected in the field of complexity science as applied in the management domain, social constructionists' work and researchers seeking to (re-)construct organizations as distributed self-regulating knowledge. Other related streams highlighting a sympathetic systemic understanding of organizations/institutions include GIDDEN's structuration theory (1984), BOJE's (2001) work on metaphors, narratives, and storytelling, LATOUR's (1987) and WOOLGAR's (1996) use of "actor-network theory," as well as MACKENZIE and WAJCMAN's (1999) focus on the social construction of technology, and no doubt others.
A key assumption this call for papers rests on, therefore, is our belief that the reluctance of the scientific community to apply LUHMANN's social system theory in management research boils down to: 1) the relative difficulty readers face when trying to follow his writing and the complexity of the theoretical approach, and, 2) more significantly, a missing methodological basis for conducting research grounded in LUHMANN's social system theory and related theoretical approaches. Therefore, for this special issue, we are seeking:
-- theoretical papers reviewing the broad landscape of existing qualitative research methods and developing an adequate methodological canon for research grounded in LUHMANNs' social system theory and related theoretical approaches (literature reviews following the systematic review style will be especially welcomed); -- empirical papers describing the application of specific qualitative research methods actually used in research projects grounded in LUHMANN's social system theory and related theoretical approaches and the empirical significance of research results.
An extended abstracts (3000 words) should be submitted to the editorial team by 15th December 2009 to Patricia Wolf:
See for additional information.
B) CfP Conference "Is Qualitative Data Analysis Software really comparable?"The deadline for paper submission for the KWALON Conference "Is Qualitative Data Analysis Software really comparable?" is nearing its end (November 15). So please click the link or past the next URL into your webbrowser and have a look at the Call for Papers for further instruction on your paper:
Of course, the registration is open now, and the early bird fee applies until November 30! So inscribe yourself timely with the online registration form which can be found at: information on the location and program (we've found 9 developers of analysis software willing to participate in our experiment!) can be obtained by clicking this URL/pasting it into your webbrowser: general website is Here all the info mentioned before is obtainable by several links.
We are surely hoping to see you in The Netherlands in April! Kind regards, the organizing committee: Jeanine Evers Christina Silver Katja Mruck Bart Peeters --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English / German / Spanish