Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A. Articles, published in FQS in March 2010 B. Articles from former FQS Issues C. Inside FQS: Call for Book Reviewers D. Conferences and Workshops E. Awards F. Links G. Open Access News Enjoy reading! Katja Mruck This newsletter is sent to 12,385 registered readers. ___________________________________________ A) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FQS IN MARCH 2010Barbara Birkhan (Austria): Review Essay: The Dispositif: The Other Side of Discourse Buber (Austria): Review: Dominik Schrage & Markus R. Friederici (Eds.) (2008). Zwischen Methodenpluralismus und Datenhandel [Between Methodological Pluralism and Data Trading: A Contribution to the Sociology of Commercial Consumer Research] Caswell (Scotland): Review: Asa Kasher (Ed.) (2009). Dying, Assisted Death and Mourning Da Rin (Switzerland): Review: Franz Breuer with Assistance of Barbara Dieris and Antje Lettau (2009). Reflexive Grounded Theory. Eine Einfuehrung fuer die Forschungspraxis [Reflexive Grounded Theory: An Introduction to Research Praxis] Diaz-Bone (Switzerland): Review Essay: What Is the Contribution of Discourse Linguistics to Foucaultian Discourse Analysis? El-Mafaalani (Germany): Review Essay: The Reality of Instruction Between Educational Pessimism and Didactical Optimism Hammersley (UK): A Historical and Comparative Note on the Relationship Between Analytic Induction and Grounded Theorising Hylander & Kjell Granstroem (Sweden): Organizing for a Peaceful Crowd: An Example of a Football Match Jansen (The Netherlands): The Logic of Qualitative Survey Research and its Position in the Field of Social Research Methods Stephan Lorenz (Germany): Review Essay: Scholarship as Craftsmanship Lueders (Germany): Collective Review: Reconstructive Research in Social Work Manderscheid (Switzerland): Review: Georg Glasze & Annika Mattissek (Eds.) (2009). Handbuch Diskurs und Raum [Handbook on Discourse and Space] Mattoni (Italy): Review: Silvana di Gregorio & Judith Davidson (2008). Qualitative Research Design for Software Userséctor Ivan Mora Nawrath (Chile): The Ethnographic Method: The Origin and Basis of a Multitechnical Approach Reeves (UK): Review: Hubert Knoblauch, Bernt Schnettler, Juergen Raab & Hans-Georg Soeffner (Eds.) (2006). Video Analysis: Methodology and Methods. Qualitative Audiovisual Data Analysis in Sociology Roncaglia (UK): Retirement Transition in Ballet Dancers: "Coping Within and Coping Without" Ross (UK): Was That Infinity or Affinity? Applying Insights From Translation Studies to Qualitative Research Transcription Stefan Thomas (Germany): Review: Giampietro Gobo (2008). Doing Ethnography Twardella (Germany): Review: Arnd-Michael Nohl (2009). Interview und dokumentarische Methode. Anleitungen fuer die Forschungspraxis [Interview and Documentary Methods: Guidelines for Practical Research] B) ARTICLES FROM FORMER FQS ISSUESJens O. Zinn (Australia): The Biographical Management of Risk and Uncertainty—British Veterans C. INSIDE FQS: Call for Book ReviewersWe would like to invite you to review books for FQS -- see for books, currently available. If you are interested in writing a review, please contact Guenter Mey ( Please mention which of the books you are interested in, and additionally give a brief description of your work. Please visit also to receive further information about the rubric "FQS Review" and the kind of reviews we accept.
D) CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 14-15 May, University of San Diego, USA7th Annual Action Research Conference on "Empowerment and Action Research: Personal Growth, Professional Development, and Social Change in Educational and Community Settings"
21-25 June, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada10th Annual Thinking Qualitatively Workshop Conference, organized by The International Institute for Qualitative Methodology 4-6 August, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Grounded Theory Jamboree V: "Uncorking Grounded Theory" 31 August-2 September, Chile at Viña del Mar/ValparaísoInternational Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT) & ArtAbilitation 6-8 September, Bournemouth, UK 8th Qualitative Research Conference
26 September-1 October, UAM Iztapalapa, MexicoSegundo Simposio Internacional de Análisis Visual y Textual Asistido por Computadora [Second International Symposium in Visual and Textual Analysis Assisted by Computer] 30 September-1 October, University Amsterdam, The NetherlandsConference "The Doors of Perception: Viewing Anthropology Through the Eyes of Children"
3-5 Ocober, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada16th Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference, organized by The International Institute for Qualitative Methodology 7-8 October, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada11th Advances in Qualitative Methods (AQM) Conference, organized by The International Institute for Qualitative Methodology 19-20 October, Brussels, BelgiumConference "Beyond the Leaky Pipeline. Challenges for Research on Gender and Science" 7-8 January 2011, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USAThe Qualitative Report Second Annual Conference "Researching Identity and Identifying Researchers" 24-26 February, Istanbul, TurkeySeminar "Qualitative Computing: Diverse Worlds and Research Practices," organized by Ankara University Sociology Department, Turkey and Sociology Departmentof, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, México visit for English, for German and for Spanish conference announcements.
E) AWARDS---> Hans Kilian Award of Merit for the Research and Advancement of Metacultural Humanisation.
The Hans Kilian Award of Merit, which is announced for the first time in 2010, honours outstanding scientific achievements in the study field of the historical and cultural existence of mankind and the corresponding alteration of the human psyche. The Award owes its name to Professor Dr. Hans Kilian, whose interdisciplinary concept of metacultural humanisation encompasses numerous historical, anthropological, sociological, psychological and psychoanalytic inquiries into the most pressing problems of a rapidly changing world.
This call for submissions is addressed foremost to scientists and researchers who, in their theoretical, methodical and empirical works, have been creatively transcending the borders between disciplines and cultures, bringing forth productive syntheses between these previously isolated areas of knowledge. The addressed inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives bring together theories, methods and data from psychology and psychoanalysis, psychiatry and other medical sciences, sociology, history, social and cultural anthropology as well as from other disciplines of social and cultural study. A special consideration shall be given to the exploration of historical and (inter-/trans-) cultural dimensions.
The value of the Award constitutes 80,000 Euros. The first conferment of this international award will take place in 2011 and thereupon biennially. The Foundation invites universities as well as renowned cultural and academic associations throughout the world to nominate eligible candidates. Self-nominations are possible.
See for a bilingual folder and for the application form.
---> Reimar Luest Award for International Scholarly and Cultural ExchangeThe Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation are jointly granting two Reimar Luest Awards annually to outstanding individual academics from abroad. Scholars from the humanities and social sciences as well as science managers are eligible for nomination. The award will be granted to highly-respected multipliers for exceptional contributions to the sustained promotion of cultural and academic relations between Germany and their countries of origin.
The award is valued at 50,000 EUR. In order to strengthen and extend bilateral cooperative relations, the award winners are invited to spend up to a year in Germany. The stay may be divided up into blocks. Nominations may be made by established academics working at universities and other research institutions in Germany or at German research institutions abroad. The deadline for nominations is 15 May 2010.
See for further information.
F) LINKS Sage Social Network for Researchers R. Hess: How Do Single Mid-Life Women Reconstruct Their Identity After a Work Transition. Dissertation, Penn State University
Tony Hey, Stewart Tansley & Kristin Tolle (Eds.): The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, free download:
The Geological Society of London is pleased to make available papers by Charles Darwin as part of the celebration, "A Genius in the Heart of London" E) OPEN ACCESS NEWS March SPARC Open Access Newsletter Peter Suber on the Future of Open Access version of "Open Access -- Opportunities and Challenges: A Handbook" (see for the English and for the German version)
Open Access to Conference Papers on the Topic of Grey Literature, Research on Grey Literature from 1995-2009 available in OpenSIGLE ---> TextsJanneke Adema: Overview of Open Access Models for eBooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences Harley, Sophia Krzys Acord, Sarah Earl-Novell, Shannon Lawrence & C. Judson King: Assessing the Future Landscape of Scholarly Communication: An Exploration of Faculty Values and Needs in Seven Disciplines Richard Poynder: Germany Plans Enquiry into the Digital Society Poynder: Interview With Stevan Harnad. A Prophet Whose Time Has Come Richard Poynder: The OA Interviews: Sciyo's Aleksandar Lazinica
Alma Swan: The Open Access Citation Advantage: Studies and Results to Date. Technical Report, School of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton ---> Conferences/Workshops 27-29 May, Leiden, The NetherlandsThird European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine and Medicine 6-9 July, Madrid, Spain Open Repositories Conference 2010 Documentation online:OAPEN/ENCES Expert Workshop "Copyright and Open Access Book Publishing," Amsterdam, 15 February 2010 ---> Journals/Newsletter Directory of Open Access Journals Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines, 3(2) First Monday, 15(1) Qualitative Studies, 1(1) The PelicanWeb's Journal of Sustainable Development, 6(3) The Qualitative Report, 15(2) --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English / German / Spanish