Dear All, Today I would like to draw your attention to the following news: A. Articles, published in FQS in November 2010 B. Inside FQS -- FQS Video Statement -- Handbook on Qualitative Research in Psychology -- Third International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference C. Conferences and Workshops D. Links E. Open Access News Enjoy reading! Katja Mruck This newsletter is sent to 13,229 registered readers. ------------------------------------------- A) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FQS IN NOVEMBER 2010 Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini (UK): Hyphenated Research Ellis, Tony E. Adams & Arthur P. Bochner (USA): Autoethnography: An Overview M. Gergen & Kenneth J. Gergen (USA): Performative Social Science and Psychology Guethlin (Germany): Review: Udo Kuckartz, Thorsten Dresing, Stefan Raediker & Claus Stefer (2008). Qualitative Evaluation Hahn (Germany): Review: Michael B. Buchholz, Franziska Lamott & Kathrin Moertl (2008). Tat-Sachen. Narrative von Sexualstraftaetern [Objects of Crime. Narratives from Sex-offenders] Jessee, Stacey Zembrzycki & Steven High (Canada): Stories Matter: Conceptual Challenges in the Development of Oral History Database Building Software Konopasek & Jan Palecek (Czech Republic): The Principle of Symmetry from the Respondents' Perspective: Possessions, Apparitions and Mental Illnesses in Research Interviews with Clerics vom Lehn (UK): Review: Stefanie Ernst (2010). Prozessorientierte Methoden in der Arbeits- und Organisationsforschung: Eine Einfuehrung [Process-oriented Methods in Work and Organization Studies: An Introduction] Miko (Austria): Review: Juergen Raab (2008). Visuelle Wissenssoziologie. Theoretische Konzeption und materiale Analysen [Visual Sociology of Knowledge: Theoretical Concepts and Analyses] Oehlen (Sweden): Review: Janice M. Morse & Linda Niehaus (2009). Mixed Method Design: Principles and Procedures Reinwand (Germany): Review: Ulrike Freikamp, Matthias Leanza, Janne Mende, Stefan Mueller, Peter Ullrich & Heinz-Juergen Voss (Eds.) (2008). Kritik mit Methode? Forschungsmethoden und Gesellschaftskritik [Criticism as an Approach? Research Methods and Social Criticism] W. Satterfield & Michael Gary Godfrey (USA): The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Football: A Metaphorical, Symbolic and Ritualistic Community Event Schnarr (Germany): Review: Petia Genkova (Ed.) (2008). Erfolg durch Schluesselqualifikationen? Heimliche Lehrplaene und Basiskompetenzen im Zeichen der Globalisierung [Success Through Key Qualifications? Hidden Curricula and Basic Competencies in the Wake of Globalization] Siri (Germany): Review: Sebastian Ziegaus (2009). Die Abhaengigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften von ihren Medien. Grundlagen einer kommunikativen Sozialforschung [The Social Sciences' Dependency on their Media. Foundations of Communicative Social Research] Winter (Austria): A Call for Critical Perspectives in Qualitative Research B. INSIDE FQS ---> FQS Video StatementFor the Symposium "The Future of Qualitative Research" in September we created a short video statement (supported by the Center for Digital Systems, Freie Universitaet Berlin). The symposium has been part of the Conference "Innovating Qualitative Research: Challenges and Opportunities" in Bayreuth, organized by the "European Sociological Association Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods." ---> Handbook on Qualitative Research in PsychologyLast month, the "Handbuch Qualitative Forschung in der Psychologie," edited by Guenter Mey & Katja Mruck, has been published. With about 850 pages it has been the first comprehensive handbook on qualitative psychology in German.
English versions of two of the articles -- one about autoethnography by Carolyn Ellis, Tony E. Adams & Arthur P. Bochner ( and one on Performative Social Science and Psychology by Mary M. Gergen & Kenneth J. Gergen ( we decided to publish in FQS -- thanks to the authors and to VS/Springer to grant permission to do this.
At;do=show/sid=5ea57b21e1d4cd1b63b6af962911ec98/site=w/book_id=19446 additional information on the handbook is available (in the German language).
---> Third International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference "Building and Sustaining Alternative Scholarly Publishing Projects Around the World"
We are pleased to announce that, in partnership with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), the Third International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference ( will be held from September 26-28, 2011 in Berlin, Germany. This is the first time that the PKP Conference is being held outside of Vancouver, Canada, and we look forward to meeting more members of the growing, international PKP user community. Given that the landmark Budapest Open Access Initiative, launched in December 2001, will be celebrating its first decade, the conference invites explorations of the lessons learned, successes achieved, and setbacks overcome in our shared attempts to increase and open access within scholarly publishing. See for additional information. We look forward to meet you in Berlin!
C) CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 22-23 February 2011, Macau, China1st Asia-Pacific conference on Qualitative Research in Web 2.0: "Exploring Critical Issues and Opportunities of Implementing Online Qualitative Research" 24-25 February 2011, Macau, ChinaComputer-Aided Qualitative Research Asia: "Discussing Key Issues Concerning the Use of QDA Software for Accelerating Research Analysis" 24-26 February 2011, Istanbul, TurkeyQualitative Computing: Diverse Worlds and Research Practices Conference, organized by the Department of International Trade, Bogazici University, Turkey, the Sociology Departments of Ankara University, Turkey & the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, Mexico 14-16 March 2011, Heinrich-Heine University of Duesseldorf, Germany General Online Research 11 9-17 August 2011, Chicago, USASociety for the Study of Social Problems Conference, Panel 69: "Bending Boundaries: Investigations into the Social and Textual Organization of Inequality and Mobility Work" -- Please contact Laura M. Bisaillon, University of Ottawa, Panel Chair, at for panel abstracts before January 31, 2011. 20-23 October 2011, Bournemouth University, UK3rd International Symposium on Poetic Inquiry -- "Poetry: Seeing, Understanding, Caring"
Please visit for English, for German and for Spanish conference announcements.
D) LINKSUNdata: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) launched a new internet based data service for the global user community"Master in Social Research. Innovations and Applications," organized by the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid; language is Spanish nice video on statistics: "Introduction to Descriptive Statistics and Central Tendency" E) OPEN ACCESS NEWS November SPARC Open Access Newsletter Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN) Library launched for academic books in the humanities and social sciences Open Access: The final Frontier -- really nice OA video ---> Texts Chris Armbruster: Implementing Open Access: Policy Case Studies Charles W. Bailey, Jr.: Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 3 JISC Scholarly Communication Action Handbook W. Luke & Jeremy Hunsinger (Eds.): Putting Knowledge to Work and Letting Information Play: The Center for Digital Discourse and Culture ---> Conferences/Workshops 6 December, Ministry of Education, Copenhagen, Denmark"The Open Access Paradigm: What? Where? When? Why? How?" -- UNESCO Conference on Open Access -- Global and Danish Challenges, 10 December, London, UK RSP conference "Open Access: The Impact for Libraries and Librarians" 13-14 December, German National Library of Medicine, Cologne, Germany Expert Conference on Open Access and Open Data 11-12 January 2011, Berlin, Germany 6th APE (Academic Publishing in Europe) Conference "Smarter Publishing" 13 January 2011, Berlin, Germany SOAP (Study of Open Access Publishing) project: Final Results 13-17 June 2011, Ottawa, CanadaJoint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2011) -- "Digital Libraries: Bringing Together Scholars, Scholarship and Research Data" 22-24 June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey15th International Conference on Electronic Publishing "Digital Publishing and Mobile Technologies" 26-28 September 2011, Berlin, GermanyThird International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference "Building and Sustaining Alternative Scholarly Publishing Projects Around the World" Presentations from Past Conferences Materials of Berlin 8 Open Access Conference ---> Journals/Newsletter Directory of Open Access Journals Population Studies -- Zeitschrift fuer Bevoelkerungswissenschaft (CPoS), 35(1) D-Lib Magazine, 6(10) First Monday, 15(11) Mother Pelican. PelicanWeb's Journal of Sustainable Development, 6(10) Qualitative Report, 15(6) Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 1(2) --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English / German / Spanish