Dear All,I would like to inform you that FQS 18(3) is available online (see for the current issue and for former issues). Besides a collection of single contributions, the issue provides an article belonging to FQS Conferences. All in all, 34 authors from 11 countries contributed to FQS 18(3).
A. FQS 18(3) B. From Former Issues C. Conferences and Workshops D. Links E. Open Access News Enjoy reading! Katja MruckPs: FQS is an open-access journal, so all articles are available free of charge. This newsletter is sent to 19.906 registered readers.
-------------------------------------------A. FQS 18(3),
Iben Charlotte Aamann (Denmark): "Oh! Iben's Here Now, So We Better Behave Properly" -- The Production of Class as Morality in Research Encounters Albornoz Munoz, Rodrigo Cornejo Chavez, Jenny Assael Budnik (Chile): Structural Conditions of the Teacher-Student Relationship: An Analysis of Teachers' Discourses in the Current Context of Educational Reform in Chile Barry (Canada): Enclothed Knowledge: The Fashion Show as a Method of Dissemination in Arts-Informed Research Campbell (UK): "Apparently Being a Self-Obsessed C**t Is Now Academically Lauded": Experiencing Twitter Trolling of Autoethnographers Daher, David Carre, Andrea Jaramillo, Himmbler Olivares, Alemka Tomicic (Chile): Experience and Meaning in Qualitative Research: A Conceptual Review and a Methodological Device Proposal Anna Denejkina (Australia): Exo-Autoethnography: An Introduction Ferrante (Argentina), Jimena Silva (Chile): "A Lame Person Is the One Who Has Balls": Motor Disability, Adaptive Sports, and Hegemonic Masculinity in Buenos Aires Haas, Sabine T. Koeszegi (Austria): Play the Game. The Construction of Gender and Professional Behavior in Organizations: A Frame Analysis Johnson (UK), Emily Carson-Apstein, Simon Banderob, Xander Macaulay-Rettino (Canada): "You Kind of Have to Listen to Me": Researching Discrimination Through Poetry Kautt (Germany): Grounded Theory as a Methodology and Method of Analyzing Visual Communication Legewie (Germany): Anchored Calibration: From Qualitative Data to Fuzzy Sets Loreta Magallanes Udovicich, Agustín Zanotti (Argentina): Multiplatform Ethnographic Analysis: Internet Immersions and Field Challenges Mark, Amohia Boulton (New Zealand). Indigenising Photovoice: Putting Maori Cultural Values Into a Research Method Pitard (Australia): A Journey to the Centre of Self: Positioning the Researcher in Autoethnography Ross (USA): Making Empowering Choices: How Methodology Matters for Empowering Research Participants Schiek (Germany): Poverty Generations: The Biographical Family Interview as a Methodological Key to Research on the Transmission of Poverty Lynn Woodgate, Melanie Zurba, Pauline Tennent (Canada): A Day in the Life of a Young Person with Anxiety: Arts-Based Boundary Objects Used to Communicate the Results of Health Research ---> FQS ConferencesBettina Kleiner (Germany), Cornelia Dinsleder (Switzerland): Conference Essay: The Relationship between Gender Studies and Discourse Studies: Synergies, Frictions, and Pitfalls B. From Former IssuesThe following article, already published in German, is now available in English too: Guenter Mey, Marc Dietrich: From Text to Image -- Shaping a Visual Grounded Theory Methodology C. CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 6-7 October, Budapest, Hungary 7th Rethinking Educational Ethnography Conference 11-12 October, Singapur QUAL360 APAC Conference 17-19 October, Quebec, Canada Qualitative Health Research Conference 19-21 October, Alpbach, AustriaInternational Conference Eating Disorders Alpbach 2017 "Anorexia & Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Adipositas / Obesity" 16-17 January 2018, Santiago, ChileInternational Conference "Registering Political Violence: Technologies, Uses, and Effects"
6-10 February 2018, Leuven, Belgium 2nd European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry "Nomadic Inquiry" 12-15 March 2018, Sun City, South Africa 6th Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research in South Africa 2-5 July 2018, Enschede, The Netherlands Narrative Matters 2018 20-22 September 2018, Berlin, Germany 7th Qualitative Research on Mental Health 21-23 November 2018, Aarhus, DenmarkNordisco 2018: 5th Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction 4-7 December 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam Conference on InterAsian Connections VI D) LINKS-- APA Awards for Qualitative Inquiry, Teaching, Dissertation, and Early Career Work:
Nominations are now open for the 2018 American Psychological Association Division 5 awards for outstanding qualitative work in psychology.The awards are: Distinguished Contributions in Qualitative Inquiry Award; Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring in Qualitative Inquiry Award; Distinguished Early Career Contributions in Qualitative Inquiry Award; Distinguished Dissertation in Qualitative Inquiry Award Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, Call for Applications
The Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies offers up to one year of research support at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. It is open to scholars in all social science and humanities disciplines, including historians working on German and European history since the mid-18th century. The program accepts applications from U.S. and Canadian nationals, permanent and long-term residents. Applicants for a dissertation fellowship must be full-time graduate students enrolled at a North American university who have achieved ABD status by the time the proposed research stay in Berlin begins. Also eligible are U.S. and Canadian Ph.D.s who have received their doctorates within the past two calendar years.
The program is based at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, one of Germany's leading research universities, and is administered in close cooperation with our North American partner, the German Studies Association (GSA), the largest organization of scholars, professionals, and students who focus on the study of German-speaking Europe from all periods of history and all relevant disciplines.
Deadline: December 1, 2017. Applications will be accepted as of November 1, 2017 David Carre: Towards a Cultural Psychology of Science. Economics and Economists in Contemporary Chile. PHD Thesis Jon Tennant et al.: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective on Emergent and Future Innovations in Peer Review E) OPEN ACCESS NEWS See for more open-access news.Free Software Foundation Europe et al.: Open Letter "Public Money? Public Code!" ---> Texts European University Association: Towards Full Open Access in 2020: Aims and Recommendations for University Leaders and National Rectors' Conferences Lehtomaeki: Divide and Conquer: Elsevier Approaches Finnish Academic Institutions and Individual Researchers Ligue des Bibliothèques Europeennes de Recherche: Open Access: Five Principles for Negotiations with Publishers C. Manista et al. (Eds.): SAGE Open Special Collection Call for Papers: Navigating the Complex Terrain of Open Access, A Continuing Story, Call for Papers McKenzie: Sci-Hub's Cache of Pirated Papers is so Big, Subscription Journals are Doomed, Data Analyst Suggests. Sciencemag Torsten Reimer: Reflections on the (UK) Open Access Repository Landscape
---> Journals/Newsletter Directory of Open Access Journals Icons, Studies in Russian, Eurasian, and Central-European New Media, 16 First Monday, 22(9) Glossa. A Journal of General Linguistics, 2(1) iJet. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 12(9) The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(6) Le foucaldien Social Movement Studies, 16(5) --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627)