Dear colleagues,in the appended file, you find a call for a thematic issue of FQS on "Qualitative Content Analysis." Contributions may be submitted in German or English.
The submission process will take two steps. First, potential contributors will indicate their interest by submitting an abstract (750 –1.000 words) by April 30, 2018. Please specify whether you plan to submit a regular contribution or a short "Report From the Shopfloor." Authors will be notified by June 30, 2018, about the decision of the editors and, if their contribution has been accepted, will be invited to submit a full version of their manuscript. The deadline for submitting full manuscripts is December 31, 2018. Authors will receive feedback within three months and are requested to submit the revised version of their contribution within another two months. Publication of the thematic issue is planned in September 2019.
For submitting and in case of questions, please contact Markus Janssen ( and Christoph Stamann (
Sincerely, Katja Mruck --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627)
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