Dear All,I would like to inform you that FQS 22(2) is available online (see for the current issue and for former issues).
"The Refiguration of Spaces and Cross-Cultural Comparison I" has been edited by Nina Baur, Stephen Mennell and Angela Million. Additionally, a collection of single contributions as well as articles, belonging to the FQS Debates "We Are Talking About Ourselves!" and "Teaching and Learning Qualitative Methods," to FQS Interviews and to FQS Reviews are part of FQS 22(2). All in all, 44 authors from 9 countries contributed to the new issue.
A. FQS 22(2) B. Inside FQS C. Links D. Open Access News Enjoy reading, stay save! Katja MruckPs: FQS is an open-access journal: all articles are available free of charge. This newsletter is sent to 22.671 registered readers.
------------------------------------------- A. FQS 22(2)> Thematic Section: The Refiguration of Spaces and Cross-Cultural Comparison I
Nina Baur (Germany), Stephen Mennell (Ireland), Angela Million (Germany): The Refiguration of Spaces and Methodological Challenges of Cross-Cultural Comparison Manderscheid (Germany): Concepts of Society in Official Statistics. Perspectives From Mobilities Research and Migration Studies on the Re-Figuration of Space and Cross-Cultural Comparison Middell (Germany): Cross-Cultural Comparison in Times of Increasing Transregional Connectedness: Perspectives From Historical Sciences and Area Studies on Processes of Respatialization Reichertz (Germany): Limits of Interpretation or Interpretation at the Limits: Perspectives From Hermeneutics on the Re-Figuration of Space and Cross-Cultural Comparison Aschauer (Austria): The Re-Figuration of Spaces and Comparative Sociology: Potential New Directions for Quantitative Research Becker (Germany): Refugees, Migration and the Tightening Borders in the Middle East. A Perspective From Biographical Research on the Re?Figuration of Spaces and Cross?Cultural Comparison Burchardt (Germany): Creating Religious Spaces in Cape Town, Barcelona and Montreal: Perspectives from Cultural Theory on the Re-Figuration of Spaces and Cross-Cultural Comparison Hergesell (Germany): Re-Figuration of Spaces as Long?Term Social Change: The Methodological Potential of Comparative Historical Sociology for Cross-Cultural Comparison ---> Single ContributionsEkkehard Coenen, Matthias Meitzler (Germany): Researching the End of Life: Reflections on Qualitative Sociology of Death, Dying, and Bereavement Goerigk, Kristin Weiser-Zurmuehlen, Goentje Erichsen, Kathrin Wild (Germany): On the Assessment of Reactance and Invasiveness in Videographic Data: A Context-Sensitive Approach to Assess the Role of the Camera in Recording Settings Heeg, Olivier Steiner, Magdalene Schmid (Switzerland): Interaction Dynamics in a Participatory Interpretation Group: Critical Reflections on the Status of Lifeworld Knowledge in a Group Interpretation of Scientists and Adolescents Kastein (Germany): The Swaying Ship of Men's Politics: A Metaphor Analysis L. Kennedy (Netherlands), Hadass Moore (Israel): Grounded Duoethnography: A Dialogic Method for the Exploration of Intuition Through Divergence and Convergence Kessler, Anja Mensching (Germany): Young Men Experiencing Imprisonment Among Hotel, Youth Hostel, and Personal Flat: A Qualitative Reconstructive Analysis of Metaphors of Pre-Trial Detention Kogler, Ulrike Zartler, Marlies Zuccato-Doutlik (Austria): Participatory Childhood Research With Concept Cartoons Koschmieder, Sabrina Wyss, Andreas Pfister (Switzerland): "It's Like Looking for a Needle in a Haystack." Methodological Reflections on Recruiting Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Families Into Qualitative Studies Mueller (Germany): "So Look, I Will, I Will Move Them There" -- Negotiating, Collecting, and Analyzing the Dynamics of Social Networks Otteren, Astrid Gynnild (Norway): Remote Female Fixation -- A Grounded Theory on Semi-Illegal Sharing of Nude Imagery Online William Harrison Stephenson, Elizabeth Anne Kinsella, Jeffery David Holmes, Andrew Malcolm Johnson (Canada): Canadian Football League Players' Reporting of Concussion Symptoms Waibel (Switzerland): The Visualisation of Polyadic Sustained Shared Thinking Interactions: A Methodological Approach ---> FQS Debate: We Are Talking About Ourselves!Andrea LaMarre (New Zealand): Embodying Artistic Reflexive Praxis: An Early Career Academic's Reflections on Pain, Anxiety, and Eating Disorder Recovery Research --->FQS Debate: Teaching and Learning Qualitative MethodsFiona Kalkstein, Guenter Mey (Germany): Methods in the Center! Methods into the Center? Potentials and Limits of University Methods Centers for the Expansion of Qualitative Teaching and Education --> FQS InterviewsGuenter Mey, Katrin Reimer-Gordinskaya (Germany): "We Are Not Coding Machines" -- Positions and Potentials of Grounded Theory Methodology ---> FQS ReviewsJohannes Coughlan, Alina Wandelt (Germany): Collective Review: Current Approaches in German-Speaking Sociology of Architecture: Navigating Agency and Experience Eckert (Germany): Review Essay: What Actually Happens During an Interview? Ethnomethodologically Inspired Research on Qualitative Interview Research Logemann (Germany): Review: Marie-Kristin Doebler (2020). Nicht-Praesenz in Paarbeziehungen -- Lieben und Leben auf Distanz [Non-Presence in Couple Relationships: Loving and Living at a Distance] B. INSIDE FQSThe FQS debate "Ethnography of the Career Politics" ( has been closed and will be continued in a new and expanded form under the heading "We Are Talking About Ourselves! Exploring How Cultural and Social Scientists Work" ( Thomas Etzemueller (, Debora Niermann ( and Andrea Ploder ( Submissions are welcome!
Norma Romm ( joined the FQS Editorial Board.
C. LINKS Curare Corona Diaries launched for COPERNICUS Polish-German Research Award 2022, donated by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) for outstanding achievements in German-Polish cooperation in all fields of science and the humanities
Andrea Ploder, Johanna Stadlbauer: Strong Reflexivity and Its Critics: Responses to Autoethnography in the German-Speaking Cultural and Social Sciences. Qualitative Inquiry Healy (Ed.): Marx and Digital Machines: Alienation, Technology, Capitalism D. OPEN ACCESS NEWSSee for Additional Open Access News.
cOAlition S Welcomes the Joint Statement by CESAER, the European University Association (EUA) and Science Europe on Empowering Researchers in Open Access
OA.Works: Open Access Tools for a Just and Kind Information Age Nominations Are Open for the Open Publishing Awards ---> TextsJanneke Adema, Marcell Mars, Tobias Steiner: Books Contain Multitudes: Exploring Experimental Publishing
Dean Baker: To Prevent the Resurgence of the Pandemic, Can We Talk About Open-Source Research?
Constanze Breuer, Peter Trilcke: Expanding Academic Publishing Practices Alongside the Digital Turn Fraser, Anne Hobert, Najko Jahn, Philipp Mayr, Isabella Peters: No Deal: Investigating the Influence of Restricted Access to Elsevier Journals on German Researchers' Publishing and Citing Behaviours
Anne Hobert, Najko Jahn, Philipp Mayr, Birgit Schmidt, Niels Taubert: Open Access Uptake in Germany 2010-2018: Adoption in a Diverse Research Landscape. Scientometrics Jones, Fiona Murphy: Openness Profile: Modelling Research Evaluation for Open Scholarship Leybold, Leonhard Dobusch: Why Is There No Open-Source Vaccine Against Covid-19? A. McGuinness, Athena L. Sheppard: A Descriptive Analysis of the Data Availability Statements Accompanying medRxiv Preprints and a Comparison With Their Published Counterparts. Plos One
Pablo Markin: The Clustering of Researcher Attitudes toward Scholarly Journals in Open Access Across Stakeholder Groups in North America ---> Journals/Newsletter Directory of Open Access Journals Comparative Southeast European Studies, 69(1) Democratic Theory, 8
First Monday, 26(5) Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9(1) Politics and Governance, 9(1) Qualitative Studies, 6(1) Social Inclusion, 9(1) Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 68
--- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627)