Dear everyone,
we would like to remind you of our final lecture of the GEAS 20/21 lecture series by Julia Gerster and Cornelia Reiher!
Please find below a short introduction paragraph of the event. If you would like to participate, please sign up in advance via this form. More information can be found on our website.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the devastating Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster that hit Northeast Japan in March 2011. While the regions mainly suffering from the earthquake and tsunami are slowly recovering, more
than 42,000 survivors are still registered as evacuees - most of them from municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture. This event will remember the 3.11 triple disaster by reviewing the three disasters and their conjuncture with a particular focus on food safety
and recovery. It will provide the chance to listen and talk to locals from Fukushima Prefecture who were involved in activities to keep the memory of the disaster alive at (and beyond) Soma High School. Following a brief introduction to the triple disaster
and the recovery efforts by Julia Gerster (Tohoku University) and a presentation on food safety after Fukushima by Cornelia Reiher (Freie Universität Berlin), FUB BA students present their findings from translating and discussing articles of the Japanese magazine
“J-One” and short documentaries written by Soma High School students (2011 - 2016). Students and audience will then discuss the impact of the disasters and the current state of recovery with guests from Fukushima Prefecture. The event will take place in English,
Japanese-English interpretation for Q&A with the Japanese guests will be provided.
If there should be any questions, please don't hesitate to send an Email to
Best regards,
Graduate School of East Asian Studies
Freie Universität Berlin Hittorfstr. 18 14195 Berlin +49 (0)30 838 51596