Dear colleagues, members and friends of GEAS;
On behalf of our director Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee, we would like to cordially invite you to the anniversary conference of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS) at Freie Universität Berlin in November. This year we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Graduate School with a conference on "Diversity in Unity - Cultural Diplomacy in East Asia" and would also like to take this opportunity to formally launch the new English-language Master's program "Global East Asia". The conference will take place Thursday and Friday, November 09-10, 2023, as a hybrid event at the Harnack-Haus of the Max Planck Society, Ihnestr. 16-20, 14195 Berlin.
Ten years ago, almost to the day, we celebrated the opening of GEAS together - and now we are already able to invite many alumni for mutual congratulations. Our success would not be possible without so many dear colleagues and friends like you who have supported and accompanied us since the beginning. Therefore, we would be delighted to celebrate the anniversary and new beginnings together.
During this conference, we aim to bring together leading scholars in the fields of cultural diplomacy and heritage preservation in and beyond East Asia, to discuss dynamics in the context of hegemony and power relations. This conference seeks to analyze how to circumvent the individual claims of East Asian countries to uniqueness, given the relative homogeneity of a material cultural tradition. We argue that tradition cannot be equated with the past and needs to be negotiated: How do cultural and heritage diplomacy relate to each other and diverge in the context of diversity in unity? If we consider heritage as hybrid and relational in power relations, who defines culture and hegemonic discourses in Asia? And finally, how are such rivalling discourses and practices received by international target audiences?
A final program and further information about the event will be available on the website of the Graduate School of Freie Universität Berlin and the conference website from the beginning of October.
You are welcome to register with us by October 15 if you are interested in coming, especially if you want to join virtually. A link to the online meeting will be circulated a few days before the event:
For participation in the conference, you are also welcome to register as a member on the conference website: Participation is free of charge: please make sure to use the registration as "Members and Panelists (on-site)" or "Members (online)" with the following code: GEAS_2023_free
If you have any questions, the GEAS office would be happy to support you at any time. We look forward to seeing you again!
Yours sincerely, Katrin Gengenbach --- Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS) Freie Universität Berlin Hittorfstr. 18 (Altbau) 14195 Berlin P: +49 30 838-59697 (Office) |