Dear GEAS team,
I hope this email finds you well.
With the start of our new project at AOI in Zurich we are now looking for an outstanding PhD-candidate with a social science background and Japanese language proficiency.
It would be great if you could share this information with colleagues and students in your list.
Please find below the job announcement: - -
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Chair in Social Science of JapanPhD position in the research project “The Japan Transnational Education and Career Panel Study (JTEPS): International Student Mobility and its Consequences” 80 % Start of employment 1 August 2025 or upon agreement Project heads: David Chiavacci & Steve R. Entrich (University of Zurich) Project Partner: Sho Fujihara (University of Tokyo) We seek a PhD candidate with a strong interest in the impact of international student mobility in the early life-course in Japan and in qualitative social science research (additional quantitative expertise is advantageous). The goal of the JTEPS project is to contribute to our understanding of current Japan in Japanese studies and to advance the field of international student mobility in educational sociology through a mixed-method panel study. To address major methodical shortcomings and conceptual gaps of past surveys, quantitative and qualitative data on the educational and professional life courses of residents of Japan in their early 20s are collected over a period of three years (2025-2027) for individuals with and without university education. The PhD position includes the following responsibilities: • Collaborating in the development and implementation of the research project with the other team members
• Developing and realizing qualitative PhD project based on your own research interests within the joint project
• Excellent MA in social science research on Japan
• Solid training in qualitative methods
• Very good knowledge of Japanese and English
• Experience in qualitative social science research and training in quantitative methods advantageous, but not a requirement
We offer: • Employment (80 %) until end of January 2029
• Salary in accordance with SNSF guidelines (gross annual salary starting at approximately 50,000 CHF)
• Opportunity to develop and realize your own qualitative PhD research project in cooperation and coordination with quantitative survey
• Attractive funding for your qualitative fieldwork in Japan
• Cooperative and stimulating work environment with good infrastructure in a small and highly motivated team
For more information: Deadline for applications: 31 March 2025 Please repost and share with those in your networks who might be interested! - - Many wishes,
Dr. Steve R. Entrich
Social Science Japan Research
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies
University of Zurich
Office: ZUB 4 418
Mobile: +49 (0)173 1920794
Webpage (ResearchGate):
Latest Publications Entrich, Steve R. (2025): The impact of Japan’s “Top Global University Project” on study abroad uptake and social inequalities therein: A multilevel analysis. CSRDA Discussion Papers No. 115. Entrich, Steve R., Nicolai
Netz & Ryoji Matsuoka (2024): The role of institutional contexts for inequalities in study abroad intent and participation. Higher Education 88, 1275-2303.
Gniewosz, Gabriele, Steve R. Entrich &
Alfred Berger [eds.] (2024): Youth
in Times of Crisis: Societal and Individual Challenges in Becoming an Adult Today. Special issue of Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung 14(4).
Floiger, Madeleine, Steve R. Entrich & Wolfgang
Lauterbach (2024): Against all odds - Factors explaining unexpected educational advancement of students from educationally disadvantaged families. Zeitschrift
für Bildungsforschung.
Entrich, Steve R. (2024): How do school experiences in adolescence affect educational investment in adulthood? The case of parental investment in private
tutoring in Germany. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung.
Yung, Kevin Wai Ho, Steve R. Entrich & Alfredo Bautista (eds.) (2023): Shadow Education: New
Areas of Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Development. Journal for the Study of Education and Development 46(4).