Call for Posters
Dear Colleagues,
As an essential part of Berlin 8 Open Access Conference, we sincerely invite those who have been involved in the projects or activities of Open Access to show the advancement about the projects and in the form of posters. The theme of the poster session is “Showcasing open access projects”.
The accepted posters will:
l be shown during the conference;
l be shown on the Berlin
l be edited as a poster index in the conference guidebook;
l with your agreement, be distributed to Chinese research and education communities and open access communities to promote open access in
l All the showing is for free.
The sub-themes of the poster session are:
l Open access publishing;
l Open access archiving systems and tools;
l Institutions, initiatives, projects, and systems specifically devoted to open access advocacy, research, education, etc.
l Other related projects.
Poster requirements:
1.Poster should focus on open access activities and issues, Generally introduction to institutions should be limited.No commercial promotion.
2.The poster should be written in English.
3.The poster size should be enriched by appropriate and closely related graphs, tables, and photos.
4.The size of a poster will be
To submit:
l digital poster design is preferable
l by B8 conference website:
l by email:
l Submission Deadline: September 20, 2010.
l Acceptance Due: September 30, 2010
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