Reply-to: Expertenforum für die Informationsplattform Open Access ( <>
Subject: [IP-OA_Forum] Berlin International Model United Nations Conference, 5th-10th August 2012 - APPLY NOW!
Liebe alle,
dies ist ein Hinweis auf eine Konferenz, die vom 5.-10. August 2012 in Berlin stattfindet - das ist eine tolle Möglichkeit, mit StudentInnen und jungen Leuten aus aller Welt Themen der internationalen Politik zu diskutieren! Ihr könnt euch jetzt bis zum 30. Juni bewerben!
Dear all,
We would like to cordially invite you to apply to be a delegate at the
Berlin International Model United Nations Conference (BerlInMUN), taking place
in Berlin, Germany, from 5th to 10th August 2012!
BerlInMUN delegate applications are now open until June 30th, 2012 - apply
now to be a delegate of the first ever Berlin International Model United
Nations Conference! Experience the fabulous city of Berlin, meet over 100
participants from all around the world and practice your diplomacy skills by
discussing current topics, drafting resolutions and enjoying inputs by
world-renowned speakers.
Be a delegate of one of the following simulated UN organs, led by
experienced and practiced chairs from eight different countries, and be the
decision-maker concerning those burning global issues:
UN Security Council:
- The security situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Nuclear non-proliferation in the Democratic People’s Republic of
Economic and Social Council:
- African economies – a commodity at present, a diversified future
- The economic and social repressions of the Israeli occupation on the
living conditions of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian
Human Rights Council:
- Same-Sex Marriage
- Children in Armed Conflict
International Court of Justice:
- Case I: Violation of Sovereignty and the Right to Self-Defence
(Aporia v. Misar)
- Case II: International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion on
Guisland’s Immunity from suit by Zakkland’s courts
and the BerlInMUN News Agency as the press.
Check out our Website and our Facebook page for more Info: