"Negotiations with Springer have yielded an agreement in principle for 2015 and 2016. Instead of a paid subscription model, the publisher will now charge for the open access publication of articles in almost all Springer journals (1,500 titles). This concerns all articles by corresponding authors from institutions currently entering into the new agreement with Springer. Researchers will not have to pay APC's for these articles. All journals previously featured in the portfolio will remain accessible to Dutch researchers, who will continue to enjoy current user rights. This agreement will result in a minimal rise in costs, reflecting a win - win situation for the Dutch scientific community: no APC's will apply for the 1,500 journals in questions! http://www.vsnu.nl/files/documenten/Domeinen/Onderzoek/Open%20access/Open%20access%20newsletter%20121614.pdf Und News aus der Schweiz: * Die EPFL verzichtet ab 2015 auf die Online Ausgabe von Science: http://library.epfl.ch/en/news/?id=441 * Das Schweizer Bundesgericht hat die Beschwerde der ETH-Bibliothek gutgeheissen. Der Dokumentlieferdienst der ETH-Bibliothek bleibt trotz Klage von Elsevier, Springer und Thieme zulässig. freundliche Grüsse Christian Gutknecht Koordination Informationssysteme Forschungsförderung (CoSi) Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) Wildhainweg 3, Postfach 8232, CH-3001 Bern Telefon: +41 31 308 24 52 christian.gutknecht@snf.ch<mailto:christian.gutknecht@snf.ch> | www.snf.ch<http://www.snf.ch/>