Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, ich möchte Sie gern auf Fidus Writer <> aufmerksam machen, einen webbasierten, schlanken Editor zum kollaborativen Arbeiten an wissenschaftlichen Texten, der Export in LaTeX, epub und HTML ermöglicht. Die neueste Entwicklung ist die Integration zu OJS (s. Mail unten bzw., die für OJS-Anwender vielleicht von Interesse ist. Das Fidus Writer Team sucht dafür derzeit nach Kooperationspartnern... (Ich bin selbst nicht an dem Projekt beteiligt, sondern verfolge nur interessiert die Aktivitäten. Fragen und/oder Anregungen daher am besten an das Fidus Writer Team direkt.) Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Michaela Voigt -- Michaela Voigt Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver Qucosa Open Access-Zeitschriftenplattform Qucosa.Journals Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- u. Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) Abt. Bestandsentwicklung, Ref. Pflicht / Tausch / Geschenk 01054 Dresden Besucheradresse: Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 Dresden Tel.: +49 351 4677 281 | Fax: +49 351 4677 717 E-Mail: | | Begin forwarded message: Hey, things are moving fast for Fidus Writer lately. Since the launch of our beta 1.1 we have been receiving tons of valuable feedback. This is great because it means that the 1.1 version will be working really smoothly. Stay tuned for that! Right now, we are even more exciting about a project to try to integrate Fidus Writer and the Open Journals Systems (OJS) with one-another. OJS is is a web-based journal management system used by thousands of academic journals to organize their workflow. OJS does not include a document editor, so until now it relied on users uploading articles from MsWord or LibreOffice/OpenOffice. The two developers Alec Smecher, from OJS, and Takuto Kojima, from Fidus Writer, are about to change that. See a video of how far they have come and read our interview with them about where they will go with this, here: . Since we released our realtime collaboration feature we have received a lot of interest in collaborating with us. We are excited about all the interest shown. Nowwe hope we can find journals and institutions to partner with to turn the OJS collaboration feature into a production ready feature. Please contact either any member of either OJS or the Fidus Writer team if you are as excited about this as we are! Daniel Frebel