über PLoS wurden wir darauf hingewiesen, dass zum Montag der Open-Access-Woche, also am 20.10.2014,
eine überarbeitete Version von „How Open Is It?“ veröffentlicht werden soll. Die Überarbeitung reflektiert Erfahrungen aus einem „Praxistest“, bei dem 100 Zeitschriften nach den Kategorien von „How Open Is It?“ bewertet wurden, und trägt den dabei offensichtlich
gewordenen Änderungsnotwendigkeiten Rechnung (s. unten). Falls Sie planen, bei Ihren Aktivitäten zur Open-Access-Woche auf „How Open Is It?“ zu rekurrieren,
können Sie dazu gerne die neue, offiziell zum 20.10. erscheinende Version verwenden, die als PDF-Fassung hier anliegt. Mit besten Grüßen Johannes Fournier und Roland Weihberg Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Wissenschaftliche Literaturversorgungs- und Informationssysteme- D-53170 Bonn Q. What changes have been made to the Open Access Spectrum since it
was first released and why? A:
The original version of the Open Access Spectrum was released in December, 2012. In the months since the release of the OAS, the three original
OAS collaborators (SPARC, PLOS, and OASPA) joined with Copernicus Publications, the Wellcome Trust, SHERPA (Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research Preservation and Access), and IS4OA (Infrastructures for Open Access) to support a practical OAS pilot. The
pilot mapped the Open Access Spectrum to 100 journals’ policies. The pilot was intended to surface any areas that might constrain the wide adoption of the OAS by authors, libraries, research funders, government agencies, and other interested parties. By applying the OAS to real world journals, the pilot brought to light
a number of areas the first version of the Open Access Spectrum did not optimally address. More than two-thirds of the journals analyzed required substantive discussion to fully interpret the nuances of their policies. This, in turn, drove further refinement
of the OAS itself. Based on the results of this pilot and feedback from the author, publisher,
reader, and research funder communities, we released version 2.0 of the Open Access Spectrum. This new iteration addresses a number of nuances not captured in the initial version. Among the changes are the following:
An adjustment to the Reuse Rights category to address journals that allow reuse of some, but not all, articles.
Substantial revisions to the Copyrights column to focus less on which party owns the copyright and more on what authors are allowed to do with their rights.
The addition of a time dimension within the Author Posting Rights category to accommodate not just what version an author can post and where, but also when.
The inclusion of language in the Automatic Posting category that encompasses non-biomedical repositories, as well as an adjustment to address journals that automatically
post some, but not all, articles.
A modification of the Machine Readability category to better reflect what is possible and what is practical in today’s publishing environment. |
Description: HOII OAS_V2_FINAL.pdf
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